September 14, 2006

The ZOA Campus Activism Network

Members of the ZOA Speakers Bureau are available to speak on a variety of topics relating to Israel and the Middle East, from the prospects for peace to the state of Israeli high-tech.

Additionally, the ZOA will bring Sharbel Salameh to campuses in November. Sharbel is a Lebanese Christian who was forced to flee southern Lebanon with his family by Hizbullah attacks in 2000 and has since made his home in Israel. He is currently studying at the Weizman Institute for his masters degree in molecular biology. To book Sharbel for your campus contact

Join the ZOA's national Adopt a Soldier campaign, which allows university students direct access to their peers currently serving in the Israel Defense Forces. You can show your support for these young Israeli soldiers through e-mail and a variety of on-campus activities.

Israel Revealed is a series of PowerPoint presentations that cover topics such as the history of Israel, human rights, Israel's advances in medicine and technology, Israeli pop culture, Israeli humanitarian missions, and incitement in the Arab media. Each presentation comes with a speaker's guide and can be used as a public presentation or as an internal educational tool for a student group. Contact

SpeedKnesset is an interactive program that teaches students about the Israeli political process, as well as the various political parties that make up the Knesset and their history, platforms, and key members.

The College Zionist is the ZOA's student-written, student-edited magazine, distributed on over 60 campuses nationwide. All students are encouraged to contribute. If you are interested in writing an article, or to order copies for distribution on your campus, contact

The ZOA offers informational pamphlets, flyers, and DVD's that can be used for Israel advocacy on campus. Educational materials cover topics including Hamas, Israel's recent war with Lebanon, Judea and Samaria, and Hizbullah. The ZOA can create materials at a student's request. Additionally, the ZOA offers students a series of documentary movies created by French filmmaker Pierre Rehov. For details about each film, see

Join the ZOA for two weeks over winter break on an exciting trip to Israel. Students tour Israel and have the opportunity to meet prominent Israeli politicians and leaders. Participants also travel to Judea and Samaria, where they volunteer their time in various communities. For more information about the ZOA trip this winter contact


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