September 09, 2006

A public hanging

Rally in Commemoration of 9-11, on Sunday 9-10-2006. There will be a public hanging from gallows of bin Laden effigy.

Sunday, September 10thTime: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Culver City, California(West Los Angeles area) in front of the radical King Fahd Mosque.10980 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA [MAP IT]

Two of the 9-11 terrorists were from the King Fahd Mosque. In addition to that, this mosque has produced other terrorists and has had numerous individuals indicted on terror charges including the former Immam leader of the mosque. They continue to preach hatred against America and non-Muslims. For more info See the press release about this event.

Let's commemorate 9-11 in the grassroots spirit of our forefathers on Sunday September 10th in front of the radical King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, California as we hang Osama bin Laden in effigy from gallows. As always, pro-democratic Muslim Americans are more than welcome to join us.

Contact or call ( 818) 861-7UAC for more information

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