August 10, 2005

Peter Jennings

Folks, I stopped watching ABC News years ago because I could no longer stand Peter Jenning's interpretation of news events, especially those that had to do with Israel and the Middle East.

While it is always saddening to hear of anyone dying from a pernicious disease like cancer, I will always remember Jennings as the biased and arrogant, smug anti-Israel talking head that he was.

Today, I found another article that summarizes Peter Jenning's career. As you skim it, don't gloss over the part of the article that states that Peter Jennings dated Hanan Ashrawi, the loud-mouthed butch looking Palestinian spokesman, as reported in the December 30, 1991/January 6, 1992 U.S. News & World Report.
"Jennings was introduced to Ashrawi's parents and sisters and became part of her circle of friends."
On 9/11, Jennings was anchoring ABC when Islamist terrorists killed nearly 3,000 Americans in a series of barbaric attacks that destroyed New York's World Trade Center and struck the Pentagon.

"It is certainly a motivating factor," Jennings told viewers during his coverage of this horror, "that the hatred of the United States, and the hatred of the United States as a patron of Israel, whether you're from Afghanistan, or whether you're from Iran, Iraq, or inside the Palestinian territories is so intense at some levels, and has become more intense in recent months, that nobody will be, very many people will not be surprised at this attack today though like everybody else will be amazed at the magnitude and success of it."

Jennings never informed his audience about his close relationship with Ashrawi, nor of his having been "part of her circle" of radical friends in Beirut. In 1972, while covering the murder of 11 Israeli athletes by Palestinians at the Munich Olympics, Jennings went out of his way to refer to the murderers as "guerrillas" and "commandos," never using the word "terrorists."

Peter Jennings was married four times. His second wife was a Lebanese photographer named Annie Malouf.

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