December 04, 2004

"In Defence of Israel"

Folks, Naomi Ragen forwarded the following:

A new book in Madrid, called "In Defence of Israel" and written in the Spanish language, is a compilation of 19 chapters written by 19 different writers around the world offering his or her personal view on the matter. Significantly, most of the writers are not Jewish. They are professional writers, educators, ex-Govt. officials or journalists. They wrote the book because of the burning desire to publicly decry so many wrongs that they see in the world media and to educate the majority public opinion with facts, not prejudice. Given the politically charged title, amazingly, many publishers were not interested in the work. One of the writers, Pilar Rahola, attended the book launch and explained why she contributed to this book, explaining that she defends Israel because Israel represents her values. Those Europeans that don't recognize the universal values that Israel represents are near-sighted and are jeopardizing their own future. She explained it was out of a sense of restoring truth to journalism, out of support for freedom and out of a sense of justice.

Folks, buy this book.

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