November 22, 2004

Kick the U.N. out of the U.S!

Folks, it's about time.

A new anti-United Nations television campaign is reversing the familiar refrain "get the U.S. out of the U.N.," and instead urges the global body be kicked out of the U.S.

"The U.N. has become an apologist and defender of terrorist organizations and their agents," says the 60-second commercial, which points out the recent Oil-for-Food scandal involving the U.N.

"Billions of dollars intended for humanitarian aid instead went to pay the families of Palestinian terrorists, and to buy weapons for Iraq-based terrorists. Millions more went to bribe journalists and officials in countries opposing Operation Iraqi Freedom, like France, Germany and Russia, the most vocal critics of the war. What a coincidence."

It continues by asking: "We tell other countries not to harbor organizations that support terrorists, why then do we harbor the U.N. here in America?"

Spearheading the campaign to boot the U.N. is the conservative organization, Move America Forward, which was founded by former California Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian and San Francisco talk-radio personality Melanie Morgan.

"The recent revelations on the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal are the final straws in making the case against the U.N.," said Kaloogian. "The U.S. government is resolved to take action against nations that harbor terrorists or organizations which provide financial aid or in-kind assistance to terrorists. Why, then does our nation play host to, and harbor, the United Nations when recent evidence implicates the U.N.'s role in providing assistance to terrorists such as Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein?"

The group is asking concerned citizens to sign its online petition which will be delivered to President Bush and leaders of Congress, as well as the U.N.

The petition concludes by stating, "We, the undersigned, do therefore call for the following to take place immediately:

-Removal of the United Nations Headquarters facilities from New York, relocating it outside of the United States and any of its territories.

-A thorough review of the U.S. financial contributions to the U.N. with a goal of a more equitable payment schedule. Until that review is concluded, eliminate all the payments made by the United States to the United Nations."

Response to the effort thus far has been overwhelming, according to the group.

"I have never seen such a vigorous response to any grassroots effort like there's been to this effort to take serious steps to sanction the U.N. for it's coddling of terrorists and terrorist-supporting regimes," said Morgan of KSFO Radio.

"We need drastic change right away, and that begins with getting the U.N. out of this country and all the terrorist-sympathizing U.N. agents out of here immediately. Then we need to re-examine the amount of money that we provide the U.N. Americans pay too much to the U.N. for the treatment we receive," she said.

Related stories:
Americans burn U.N. flag
Senate candidate says: U.S. out of U.N.
Americans sour on U.N.
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New push to 'get U.S. out of U.N.'

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