March 31, 2004

World Turned Upside-Down

Here's a survey that's going to depress you and raise your spirits at the same time; it's a survey of media criticism and praise for Israel's strike against the Hamas mass murderer, Yassin.

March 28, 2004

The Jew by Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo

"Some people like the Jews, and some do not. But no thoughtful man can deny the fact that they are, beyond any question, the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has appeared in the world." -- Winston Churchill (1)

"The Jew is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting fire, and has illumined with it the entire world. He is the religious source, spring, and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religions." -- Leo Tolstoy (2)

It was in vain that we locked them up for several hundred years behind the walls of the Ghetto. No sooner were their prison gates unbarred than they easily caught up with us, even on those paths which we opened up without their aid." -- A. A. Leroy Beaulieu (3)

"The Jew gave us the Outside and the Inside - our outlook and our inner life. We can hardly get up in the morning or cross the street without being Jewish. We dream Jewish dreams and hope Jewish hopes. Most of our best words, in fact - new, adventure surprise, unique, individual, person, vocation, time, history, future, freedom, progress, spirit, faith, hope, justice -- are the gifts of the Jews." -- Thomas Cahill (4)

"One of the gifts of the Jewish culture to Christianity is that it has taught Christians to think like Jews, and any modern man who has not learned man to think as though he were a Jew can hardly be said to have learned to think at all." -- William Rees-Mogg (5)

"It is certain that in certain parts of the world we can see a peculiar people, separated from the other peoples of the world and this is called the Jewish people.. This people is not only of remarkable antiquity but has also lasted for a singular long time. For whereas the people of Greece and Italy, of Sparta, Athens and Rome and others who came so much later have perished so long ago, these still exist, despite the efforts of so many powerful kings who have tried a hundred times to wipe them out, as their historians testify, and as can easily be judged by the natural order of things over such a long spell of years. They have always been preserved, however, and their preservation was foretold. My encounter with this people amazes me." -- Blaise Pascal (6)

"The Jewish vision became the prototype for many similar grand designs for humanity, both divine and man made. The Jews, therefore, stand at the center of the perennial attempt to give human life the dignity of a purpose." -- Paul Johnson (7)

"As long as the world lasts, all who want to make progress in righteousness will come to Israel for inspiration as to the people who had the sense for righteousness most glowing and strongest." -- Matthew Arnold (8)

Indeed it is difficult for all other nations of the world to live in the presence of the Jews. It is irritating and most uncomfortable. The Jews embarrass the world as they have done things which are beyond the imaginable. They have become moral strangers since the day their forefather Abraham introduced the world to high ethical standards and to the fear of Heaven. They brought the world the Ten Commandments which many nations prefer to defy. They violated the rules of history by staying alive, totally at odds with common sense and historical evidence. They outlived all their former enemies, including vast empires such as the Romans and the Greeks. They angered the world with their return to their homeland after 2000 years of exile and after the murder of six million of their brothers and sisters. They aggravated mankind by building, in the wink of an eye, a democratic State which others were not able to create in even hundreds of years. They built living monuments such as the duty to be holy and the privilege to serve one's fellow men. They had their hands in every human progressive endeavor, whether in science, medicine, psychology or any other discipline, while totally out of proportion to their actual numbers. They gave the world the Bible and even their "savior". Jews taught the world not to accept the world as it is but to transform it, yet only a few nations wanted to listen. Moreover, the Jews introduced the world to one God, yet only a minority wanted to draw the moral consequences. So the nations of the world realize that they would have been lost without the Jews. And while their subconscious tries to remind them of how much of Western civilization is framed in terms of concepts first articulated by the Jews, they do anything to suppress it. They deny that Jews remind them of a higher purpose of life and the need to be honorable, and do anything to escape its consequences. It is simply too much to handle for them, too embarrassing to admit, and above all too difficult to live by. So the nations of the world decided once again to go out of its way in order to find a stick to hit the Jews. The goal: to prove that Jews are as immoral and guilty of massacre and genocide as some of themselves are. All this in order to hide and justify their own failure to even protest when six million Jews were brought to the slaughterhouses of Auschwitz and Dachau; so as to wipe out the moral conscience of which the Jews remind them. And they found a stick. Nothing could be more gratifying for them than to find the Jews into a struggle with another people (who are completely terrorized by their own leaders) against whom the Jews, against heir best wishes, have to defend themselves in order to survive. With great satisfaction, the world allows and initiates the rewriting of history so as to fuel the rage of yet another people against the Jews. T his in spite of the fact that the nations understand very well that peace between the parties could have come a long time ago, if only the Jews would have had a fair chance. Instead, they happily jumped on the wagon of hate so as to justify their jealousy of the Jews and their incompetence to deal with their own moral issues. When Jews look at the bizarre play, taking place in The Hague, they can only smile as this artificial game once more proves how the world paradoxically admits the Jews uniqueness. It is in their need to undermine the Jews that they actually raise them. "The study of history of Europe during the past centuries teaches us one uniform lesson: That the nations which received and in any way dealt fairly and mercifully with the Jew have prospered; and that the nations that have tortured and oppressed him have written out their own curse." -- Olive Schreiner (9)

"If there is any honour in all the world that I should like, it would be to be an honorary Jewish citizen." -- A.L. Rowse (10)

(1) Quoted by Geoffry Wheatcroft in "The Controversy of Zion", Sinclair-Stevensohn, London, 1996, X1.

(2) Leo Tolstoy, Quoted by Chief Rabbi J.H.Hertz in "A book of Jewish Thought" Oxford University Press, 1966, p. 135.

(3) Anatole Leroy Beaulieu, French historian. "Israel Among the Nations," p. 162. 1893, Ibid, p. 174.

(4) Thomas Cahill, "The Gifts of the Jews", Doubleday, New York, 1998, p. 240-41.

(5) William Rees Mogg, "The Times", quoted by Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, "Radical then, radical now", Harpercollins, London, 2000, p 4.

(6) Pascal, "Pensees," translation by A.J. Krailsheimer, Penquin, Harmondsworth, 1968, p. 171, 176-77.

(7) Paul Johnson, "A History of the Jews", Weindenfeld & Nicolsohn, London, 1987, p 2.

(8) Matthew Arnold, "Literature and Dogma", Smith, Elder, London, 1876, p 58

(9) Olive Schreiner, South African novelist, quoted by Chief Rabbi J.H. Hertz, p, 177,180, Ibid, p. 180.

(10) A.L. Rowse, "Historians I have Known", Duckworth, London, 1995, p.

All of the above authors are gentiles.

The David Cardozo Academy

March 25, 2004

To summarize...

...Hamas -- an organization recognized around the world for its brutal terrorism - has perpetrated over 425 attacks that have killed 377 Israelis and wounded 2076 in less than three and a half years of violence.

Rest in pieces, Yassin.

The UN - a third world cesspool

You all may be interested to know that the UN High Commission on Human Rights (UNHCHR) condemned Israel's killing of Yassin, and even officially labelled it as "tragic." Yup. No lie. It's unbelievable. Well, not really, given the representatives of the *moral majority*. Wait 'til you see whose sitting in judgment.

This is a prequel. Welcome to hell.


The assassination of Sheikh Yassin was an assassination of peace.

-- Egypt --

Action on Decision on Special Sitting

In a decision (E/CN.4/2004/L.3) on a special sitting of the Commission on Human Rights during its sixtieth session, adopted by a roll-call vote of 34 in favour and 3 opposed, with 14 abstentions, the Commission determined to hold a special sitting on an urgent basis to consider the situation in the occupied "palestinian" territory resulting from the assassination of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin on the morning of 22 March 2004.

The results of the roll-call vote were as follows:

In favour (34): Argentina, Armenia, Bahrain, Bhutan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, China, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Mauritania, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Togo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

Against (3): Australia, Eritrea and United States of America.

Abstentions (14): Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Republic of Korea, Sweden, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

Commission Chairperson Mike Smith announced that the special sitting would be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, 24 March.

SHAUKAT UMER (Pakistan), speaking on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), said draft decision L.3 now before the Commission expressed indignation at the assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a violent act carried out against a non-military target. The decision condemned this grave violation of international humanitarian law which had resulted in worldwide outrage. The assassination could be added to a long list of such killings by Israel which had posed a grave threat to peace in the region. It was hoped that the Commission would support the OIC's request for an urgent special meeting to examine the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories in the wake of the assassination of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin on the morning of 22 March 2004.

NAELA GABR (Egypt) said Egypt was the first country that had sought peace in the Middle East. It believed that peace was the only choice for the security of the region. The assassination of Sheikh Yassin was an assassination of peace. The peace process had been endangered by the incident, and the situation would lead to further conflict. Egypt had condemned the assassination and supported the holding of a special session.

HAMATU MUKHTAR (Sudan) said the international community had been confronted with a very serious incident, the assassination of Sheikh Yassin. The Sheikh had been a handicapped old man, unable to do harm. Yet the Israeli Government was proud of its actions. The members of this Commission had a responsibility to condemn forthrightly such assassinations. Sudan supported the holding of a special session.

RODOLFO REYES RODRIGUEZ (Cuba) said Cuba also was in favour of holding of a special sitting of the Commission on the situation that had resulted from the assassination of Sheikh Yassin.

MOHAMED ABDULLA AL-DUHAIMI (Qatar) expressed support for the holding of a special session.

ABDULWAHAB ABDULSALAM ATTAR (Saudi Arabia) said this assassination was against international law and had been condemned as such. The Commission was the voice of the international conscience, and should be heard by the world, particularly in such a case. The Commission should raise its voice.

RICHARD S. WILLIAMSON (United States) said there was no doubt regarding Israel's right to self-defense, but the US Government was troubled about this event, since it had caused violence in Gaza. However, the United States opposed the resolution, since it was not germane to the work of the Commission and distracted from its ambitious programme of work. This politicization of the Commission's work discredited the Commission, and unfairly discriminated against one member. It was counterproductive political grandstanding that would not contribute one iota to the fragile peace process in the Middle East, nor advance the responsibilities of the Commission.

EDDI HARIYADHI (Indonesia) said the assassination was strongly deplored, and Indonesia was of the view that this was against international law. Violence would not solve the problem in the Middle East; it would cause further humanitarian tragedy. The assassination could cause an escalation of violent acts. Such a serious crime meditated by a Government as part of a pattern deserved a strong response from the Commission and Indonesia therefore supported this resolution.

SAEED MOHAMED AL-FAIHANI (Bahrain) said it was lamentable that Israel should assassinate a blind, disabled old man. This was an extra-judicial act that deserved condemnation. The premeditated planning of this ignoble crime indicated that Israel did not respect the right to life or international law, and did not adhere to international conventions. This assassination would compound tensions in occupied Palestine and would worsen the tense relations in the area. The move towards peace would be undermined. The Commission should assume its responsibilities with regard to what was happening in the Middle East, particularly with regard to human rights and international humanitarian law.

SHA ZUKANG (China) said historical events often bore striking similarities. Two years ago, during the fifty-eighth session, held against a background of violence in the Middle East, the Commission had decided to conduct a special sitting on the topic of the Middle East, and the United States had voted against the proposal. Two years later, the Commission was discussing the same problems. The most basic human right, that to life, could be taken away at any moment by a bullet, and the event of the 22 March had further aggravated the situation in the Middle East. There was an ever-growing need to have a special session on this issue.

ROGER JULIEN MENGA (Republic of the Congo) said the African Group had been deeply moved to learn of the assassination, and expressed its grave concern regarding the effect that this odious act would have on the future of the region. A special session should be held.

MOHAMED SALECK OULD MOHAMED LEMINE (Mauritania) said Mauritania supported the appeal made by Pakistan. Mauritania had condemned and would continue to condemn such acts as this assassination, and it supported the suggestion of Pakistan to discuss these events.

YAAKOV LEVY (Israel), speaking as a concerned country, said if the Commission voted to hold the special sitting, it would be the first time in the history of the United Nations that a session was dedicated to lauding, supporting, and glorifying a major leader of a terrorist organization. Every man and woman of conscience, any objective follower of the debate would cringe in horror, recoil in disgust that a United Nations body devoted to upholding human rights would, in effect, support the terrible wrongs the Hamas terrorist group, under Sheik Yassin, had committed. The bias and distorted standards manifested in the Commission year after year and in an increasing manner since the beginning of its deliberations last Friday had once again been expressed. Israel strongly urged all to vote against the holding of such a biased special sitting that only served as another occasion for distorted standards, wild accusations, and inflammatory speech, and not to lend their voices and hands to further reducing and degrading the credibility of the Commission and the United Nations as a whole.

NABIL RAMLAWI, ("palestine"), speaking as a concerned country, said what had happened yesterday was a flagrant violation of human rights. The Commission had been condemning this sort of thing for the last 35 years. Israeli violations of human rights were not the aim of the sitting -- it was known that Israel did not abide by international norms and the resolutions of the Security Council. Israeli radio had broadcast that the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister had decided upon the assassination of Sheikh Yassin. The Prime Minister had lauded the killing of Yassin and had promised to continue Israel's policy of the assassination of Palestinians. The Commission had to look at this Israeli policy of assassination. The Commission sought to achieve a better future for humanity, and it should take a stand against the flagrant crimes Israel was committing in the occupied Palestinian territories. The Commission, which was established under international law, had the right to examine the situation in the region.

MARY WHELAN (Ireland), speaking on behalf of the European Union, said in an explanation of the vote before the vote that the Council of the European Union had condemned the extrajudicial killing of Sheikh Yassin and seven others yesterday. Not only were extrajudicial killings outside the law, they undermined international law, which was a key component of the fight against terrorism. The European Union had also repeatedly condemned the terrorist actions of Hamas. The Commission was shortly to take up its consideration of the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, and that would be the appropriate time for the Commission to consider this issue. Moreover, extrajudicial killings had long been a subject of the Commission's consideration. Those EU members that were also members of the Commission would therefore abstain from the vote in light of these considerations.

AMARE TEKLE (Eritrea) said Eritrea was categorically opposed to assassination as the means of achieving any political goals whatsoever. However, Eritrea did not feel that the holding of a meeting on a subject that would be discussed under two other separate agenda items would be useful. Eritrea would therefore vote against the proposal.

VLADIMIR PARSHIKOV (Russian Federation), in explanation of the vote after the vote, said Russia had voted in favour of the special session based on the consideration that the meeting would be devoted to the situation in the Middle East, which had significantly worsened after the death of Sheikh Yassin. The prospects of peace had been considerably worsened by his assassination.

HARDEEP SINGH PURI (India), in explanation of the vote after the vote, said India was appalled by the killing of Sheikh Yassin yesterday. India felt that the action would only exacerbate the cycle of violence upon violence, both in Gaza and elsewhere in the region. India had supported the Palestinian cause since its own independence in 1947 and felt that the people of Palestine deserved the full support of the international community. There could be no military solution to the problems of the region. There could be no justification for any act of terror. As a victim of terror itself, India knew that no compromise could be made with terrorists and urged the international community to be firm in combating terrorism. While States had the right to defend themselves, States must also be judged by higher norms and standards than terrorist entities, as they were the main upholders of international law. With those considerations in view, India had voted in favour of the holding of the special session.

The UN - a third world cesspool.

Israel's Statement at the UN by Ambassador Dan Gillerman

"Mr. President,

In three and a half years of Palestinian terrorist attacks that have murdered hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians and wounded thousands more, this Council has not met even once to express condemnation of a single attack. Not one resolution, not one presidential statement has been adopted by this Council to specifically denounce the deliberate massacre of our innocent civilians. Not two months ago when 11 Israeli citizens were murdered in a horrific homicide bomb attack on a bus in central Jerusalem on 29 January. In the wake of our anguish, our efforts to elicit some response from the Council were not met with even a presidential statement.

And yet today, following a sad and familiar pattern, the Council convenes. Why? Not to condemn the terrorism, not to honor the memory of the hundreds murdered by it, but to come to the defense of one of its prime perpetrators, a godfather of terrorism. This is not a message of which the Council can be proud. Frankly, it is an outrage.

As long as we pretend that the response to terrorism is more serious than the terrorism itself, we only invite more of it. If we want to give the peace process a chance -- the kind of terror that Sheikh Ahmed Yassin directed and perpetrated, and which he swore to continue relentlessly, cannot be appeased or assuaged, it must be defeated. It must be defeated not just for our sake but for the sake of the whole free world.

Mr. President,

Although the Security Council has never met to discuss the attacks for which Sheikh Yassin is responsible, the list is gruesome and shocking. To characterize him as a "spiritual leader" is to attempt to characterize Osama bin Laden as a Mother Therese. Underneath his supposed clerical garb, Sheikh Yassin is a true pioneer in the ruthless murder of innocents. Under his direct leadership, inspiration, and instruction, Hamas -- an organization recognized around the world for its brutal terrorism - has perpetrated over 425 attacks that have killed 377 Israelis and wounded 2076 in less than three and a half years of violence. He has stood at the head of a command and control structure dedicated to the destruction of Israel. If Sheikh Yassin was not an arch-terrorist, there is no such thing.

In my hands I hold 187 pages documenting the horrific scope and extent of Hamas terrorism that has wreaked unspeakable anguish on the lives of the citizens of Israel. Among 425 attacks perpetrated by Hamas since September 2000, the organization has perpetrated no less than 52 separate suicide attacks, in which 288 Israelis were murdered and 1,646 were wounded. I will mention only a few of them, to give you an idea of the evil this man represented and the horror the organization he headed has inflicted, while he proudly claimed responsibility.

Time and again, while Israeli mothers were in excruciating pain, burying their babies and widows mourning their husbands, Sheikh Yassin's gloating face appeared on every TV screen, exalting the murderers as martyrs. What follows is just a short list of his bloody and gruesome record.

  • The June 1, 2001 suicide bombing of the Dolphinarium discotheque in Tel Aviv, in which 21 people were murdered and 120 were wounded, when a Hamas terrorist blew himself up while standing in a large group of teenagers waiting to enter the club;

  • The August 9, 2001 suicide bombing of a Jerusalem restaurant, in which 15 people were murdered and 130 were wounded;

  • The December 1, 2001 double suicide bombing on the Ben Yehuda Street pedestrian mall in Jerusalem, in which 11 people were murdered and 188 were wounded;

  • The December 2, 2001 suicide bombing of a #16 bus in Haifa, in which 15 people were murdered and 40 were wounded;

  • The March 9, 2002 suicide bombing of a Jerusalem cafe, in which 11 people were murdered and 54 were wounded;

  • The March 27, 2002 suicide bombing in the dining room of the Park Hotel in the coastal city of Netanya on the first night of Passover, in which 30 people were murdered and 140 were wounded;

  • The June 18, 2002 suicide bombing of the #32A commuter bus in Jerusalem, in which 19 people were murdered and 74 were wounded. The bus, which was completely destroyed, was carrying many students on their way to school.

  • The August 4, 2002 suicide bombing of #361 bus at Meron junction, in which nine people were murdered and 50 were wounded;

  • The November 21, 2002 suicide bombing of a #20 bus in Jerusalem, in which 11 people were murdered and 50 were wounded;

  • The March 5, 2003 suicide bombing of a #37 bus in Haifa, in which 17 people were murdered and 53 were wounded;

  • The May 18, 2003 suicide bombing of a #6 bus in Jerusalem, in which seven people were murdered and 20 wounded;

  • The June 11, 2003 suicide bombing of #14A bus in Jerusalem, in which 11 people were murdered and over 100 were wounded;

  • The August 19, 2003 suicide bombing of a #2 bus in Jerusalem, in which 23 people were murdered and over 130 were wounded;

  • The September 9, 2003 suicide bombing of a hitchhiking post near the IDF base at Tzrifin, in which nine soldiers were murdered and 10 were wounded;

  • The September 9, 2003 suicide bombing of a Jerusalem cafe, in which seven people were murdered and 70 were wounded;

  • The January 29, 2004 suicide bombing of a #19 bus in Jerusalem, in which 11 people were murdered and 44 were wounded;

  • And just last week, on March 14, 2004 at the Ashdod port, in which 10 people were murdered and 16 were wounded. His hands were steeped in the blood of the innocent. Sheik Yassin personally instigated and specifically authorized homicide attacks, encouraged individual men and women to become suicide bombers, ordered the firing of Qassam missiles attacks against Israeli communities, coordinated joint activities with other terrorist organizations and collected funds for terrorist activity, campaigning throughout the Arab world to raise millions of dollars to improve Hamas' terrorist capabilities.

Through his words he spawned an ideology of hatred, incitement and murder, glorified as martyrdom. In numerous public appearances, Sheik Yassin called repeatedly for the intensification of the "armed struggle" against Israelis and Jews "everywhere." Just one day before the twin homicide attacks at Cafe Hillel in Jerusalem and the bus stop near Tzrifin on 8 September 2003, that claimed 17 lives, Sheik Yassin called on Hamas to attack Israeli civilians without restraint, saying "We will not limit the military command, battalions or factions." Indeed, he knew no limit.

Sheik Yassin's murderous reach extended not only to the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem but to our global streets. He was an arch terrorist with international aims and international ties. He called for suicide attacks against American and British forces in Iraq and praised Osama Bin Laden, wishing that Allah grant him the possibility to continue his fight against the United States.

This is the man that the Council is asked to defend. His victims were denied the attention of this Council. Will you now give that attention to the person who bears direct responsibility for their murder?

Mr. President, Members of the Council,

In comparative terms, the number of innocents deliberately murdered by Palestinian terrorists as of March 2004, is equivalent to 22,499 Russian citizens; 43,136 citizens of the United States, or 58,963 citizens of the EU. Can there be any doubt as to what your countries would do - or in some cases have already done - in the face of terrorism of this scale and magnitude? I ask those that join us today for this debate: could you sit quietly and wait for the next homicide bomber to appear on your doorstep?

By any reasonable standard of international law, Israel has a legitimate right, in fact a duty, to defend itself against those illegal combatants and their commanders who are committed to murder as many of its civilians as possible. The Palestinian leadership has proved beyond any doubt that it has no intention of taking a single measure to fight terrorism, as it is legally and morally obliged to do. This mass murderer, Shiekh Yassin, lived and operated for years not just in freedom, but under the protective authority and safe haven of the Palestinian Authority in violation of the most basic international norms. What would you have us do? Stand idly by as Yassin and the Palestinian leadership co-sign the death warrants of more innocent civilians?

It is the basic obligation of the Government of Israel -- like any other government -- to protect the lives of its citizens from the threat of terrorism. Unlike the terrorists we confront, we make every effort under excruciatingly difficult conditions to minimize harm to civilians. We recognize that we have responsibilities. But we will not negotiate by day and bury our dead by night. By removing Sheikh Yassin from the international stage, we send a very strong message to the terrorists: when you kill our civilians, you are not immune.

Mr. President,

Yesterday's operation constitutes an important stride forward in our march against fundamentalist terrorism in our region, enabling a return to the peace process. Sheikh Yassin was one of the greatest obstacles to the cessation of hostilities and the renewal of negotiations: a road block on the road map to peace. Since he founded Hamas from the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood organization in 1987, the organization has opposed peace talks with Israel, and attempted to thwart every single peace initiative. So the question shouldn't be "why now?" The question should be "why not before?"

There cannot be peace and terror. There cannot be peace and Hamas. The Road Map explicitly requires the elimination of Hamas and other terrorist organizations, it calls for an end to funding and support for their efforts, it recognizes that peace is impossible while these messengers of death are allowed to flourish.

Israel remains committed to peace. We will persevere in the hope that a partner for peace will emerge so that we can arrive at a political solution based upon the implementation of the Road Map. In the meantime, Prime Minister Sharon has announced plans for bold measures of disengagement that hold the potential for reenergizing the process.

The Palestinian leadership has a choice. It can continue to get into bed with terrorists and tyrants. It can continue its morally depraved strategy of murder and terror and, in so doing, continue to bring suffering and despair on the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. But it can also choose a different path. It can prove to the world that it is ready to assume responsibilities, not just assume privileges. It can show that it is ready to establish a democratic society that will respect the rights of its people, and the rights of its neighbors, and not another terrorist dictatorship in the heart of the Middle East. Israel is ready, as always, to be a partner to such a leadership.

The Security Council has a choice too. It does not have to continue to send a message that puts the response to terrorism on trial, instead of the terrorism itself. It does not have to pander to initiatives that defend the terrorist rather than his victims. In the legacy of resolutions 242, 338 and 1373, the Council can also send another message: one of hope and of peace. One that does not pretend that this is a conflict in which one side has a monopoly on rights and on victimhood. One that rejects terror without compromise.

Which message will you send today, to our region, and to the rest of the world?

Thank you, Mr. President"

"There cannot be peace and terror. There cannot be peace and Hamas."

Wakf Temple Mount Devastation Continues Unimpeded

( As of [Mar 10, '04 ], the Muslim Wakf Authority has launched its latest illegal construction project on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, resulting in additional irreversible destruction to artifacts dating back to the Temple Era. Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) officials have repeatedly called for government intervention in the past, but there is no response. Illegal construction is not a new phenomenon on the Mount, and has been ongoing for the past years.

The current project began this morning, in the southeastern end of the Mount. Wakf officials report the new wall is intended to strengthen the ancient Herodian stones and nothing more. The new wall is two meters high and about 20 meters in length and creates a division between the Muslim cemetery and the eastern wall.

Dr. Eilat Mazar, an archeologist and member of the Committee Against Temple Mount Destruction rejects the explanation of the so-called strengthening wall, explaining the new wall totally blocks the Herodian and Byzantine period stones behind it, as well as antiquities dating back to the First and Second Temples.

Jerusalem City Hall stated it is unaware of any building request or permit being issued for the wall. Antiquities officials are referring inquiries to Israel Police. Jerusalem district police stated there is no new construction, but just scaffolding and a structure intended to fortify the ancient wall.

Dr. Mazar stated the police response is nothing less than absurd; pointing out the area in question is “the most beautiful on the Mount” – due to the astonishingly good condition of the stones dating back to the time of Herod. Dr. Mazar, who visited the Mount for a first-hand look, stated the 2,000-year-old stones are now blocked from sight and there is no doubt the latest Wakf project is in no way shape or form a fortification structure, but the latest Wakf attempt to eradicate the Jewish roots to the holy site.

“The police stationed on the Temple Mount see what takes place day-to-day, and do not even bother to ask for a building permit or any piece of paper to indicate the ongoing construction is authorized”, stated Dr. Mazar.

Dr. Mazar added there is absolutely no fear of collapse of the Herodian period wall, stating with total certainty the wall built today is no way serving to fortify the ancient structure behind it.

Wakf Tears Down Latest Illegal Wall

( The Muslim Wakf Authority this morning was forced to tear down a wall completed during the past days. The wall was the latest in the ongoing illegal Temple Mount construction carried out by the Wakf.

Prophet of Doom

"We have a Prophet by whom we will conquer all men." (Ishaq : 471)

March 24, 2004

The History of Hamas

Here are the main events in the history of the genocidal Hamas movement, whose "spiritual" leader and founder, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, was killed in an Israeli airstrike:

December 1987: First palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation erupts, and Yassin founds Hamas as an Islamic resistance movement against Israel.

1988: Hamas publishes manifesto calling for "holy war" to create an Islamic state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, including Israel, and challenging the palestine Liberation Organization's claim as the sole representative of the palestinian people.

1989: Hamas militants kill Israelis in dozens of shooting attacks; Israel outlaws Hamas as a terrorist organization.

1989: Israel imprisons Yassin.

1991: Hamas forms "Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades," its military wing, for attacks against Israelis.

April 6, 1994: First Hamas car bombing kills eight in Israeli city of Afula.

April 13, 1994: First Hamas suicide bombing kills five in Israeli city of Hadera.

Oct. 19, 1994: Hamas suicide bomber blows up Tel Aviv bus, killing 22.

Jan. 6, 1996: Hamas master bombmaker Yehiyeh Ayyash killed in explosion, Israel held responsible.

February to March 1996: 58 Israelis killed in four suicide attacks in retaliation for killing of Ayyash.

September 1997: Yassin released from prison after botched Israeli attempt to kill Hamas leader in Jordan.

September 2000: Second Palestinian uprising begins.

June 1, 2001: Hamas suicide bomber blows up outside Tel Aviv disco, killing 21.

Aug. 9, 2001: Hamas suicide bomber blows up Jerusalem restaurant, killing 15.

March 27, 2002: Hamas bomber blows up Netanya hotel, killing 29.

July 23, 2002: Israel drops one-ton bomb on house of Hamas leader Salah Shehadeh in Gaza, killing him and 14 others.

Aug. 21, 2003: Hamas leader Ismail Shanab killed in Israeli airstrike.

August-September 2003: 39 killed in three Hamas suicide bombings.

Sept. 6, 2003: Yassin slightly wounded in Israeli bombing in Gaza.

March 14, 2004: Two bombers, one from Hamas, kill 10 at Ashdod port.

March 22, 2004: Yassin killed in Israeli airstrike in Gaza City.

TOTAL: More than 221 Israelis murdered by the the Muslim cult, Hamas.

Yet the world loathes Israel.

Al Jazeerah, following the Islamist/Mohammedan party line, again accuses the Talmud of being racist

A hat tip to for posting that Al Jazeerah is again accusing the Talmud of supporting racism and hatred, and that it is also the source of hatred directed towards non-Jews. Their predictable article continues with the initiative that American Christians need to reexamine their relationship with organized Jewry and insist that racist Talmudic teachings be removed from such offensive texts.

Of course the article quotes non-existant tractates like "Mechilla," "Mizbeach," "Iore Dea," and the "Libbre David," and nonexistent passages in actual works, whether in the Talmud or not. Al Jazeerah is not the only site that publishes these lies about the Talmud ; many other islamic sites have published similar Jew bashing articles, errors and all.

Here's an excellent site, Response to anti-Semites' posting of Talmud "Quotes", for those who want to respond.

In the meantime, folks, notice how desperate the islamists are as they dig deep into their own cesspools, for all they can come up with are bent accusations of racism existing in other religions, while they themselves slaughter, murder, rape, steal, mutilate their females genitalia, and perform "honor killings".

March 22, 2004

When Roosevelt ordered the assassination of Yamamoto, there was no international outrage..., Britain along with the rest of Eurabia, condemns the righteous execution of the leader of Hamas. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw described the targeted assassination by Israel of "Sheikh" Ahmed Yassin as “unacceptable and unjustified”. He said: “All of us understand Israel’s need to protect itself – and it is fully entitled to do that – against the terrorism which affects it, within international law. But it is not entitled to go in for this kind of unlawful killing and we therefore condemn it."

Not entitled?

Let's talk about international law and who's entitled.

Do any of you know who Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was and, moreover, what he did?

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was behind the strategic masterpiece of Pearl Harbor. The Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor, led by Yamamoto, brought the stunned United States directly into WWII. OnDecember 7, 1941, a Japanese carrier-based aircraft descended on Pearl Harbor in a terrible surprise attack that sunk and badly damaged every US ship there. It was a great blow and it took three years before the Navy regained its full strength.

In the days following the Pearl Harbor attack, the Japanese struck throughout Asia. Hong Kong fell to them, then Singapore, then Guam. They moved into the Dutch West Indies (now Indonesia) and onto French Indo-China (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos). Finally the American forces holding the Philippines were forced to surrender.

Thousands of American troops died on forced marches to Japanese prison of war camps. In mid-1942 Yamamoto attempted another surprise attack on American forces at Midway Island, unaware that American intelligence personnel had deciphered Japanese military codes.

On the morning of June 4, dive bombers caught Japanese aircraft carriers at their most vulnerable moment: just prior to launching their warplanes, with live munitions on deck and gasoline flowing. In five scant minutes the heart and soul of the Japanese navy, three large carriers, were flaming pyres.

See my point, folks? It was Roosevelt himself who decided that Yamamoto was too important to pass up. The plan of attack called for American fighters to fly over four-hundred miles at extreme low altitude, locate Yamamoto’s flight, and destroy Yamamoto’s aircraft without being detected. And this is what happened - in a major airfight, and in the struggle, Yamamoto’s aircraft plunged into the jungle below and Yamamoto was killed.

That's right. FDR ordered the assassination of Yamamoto, and it was carried out with much support from our allies.

Now, did Roosevelt violate some international law by going after the leader of an enemy?

Did Roosevelt care about international opinion?

Was Roosevelt entitled to defend his country?

Is there any difference between the US targetting of bin Laden, Hussein, and Khaddafi some 20 yrs ago, and Israel's actions yesterday? Hell no!

Hamas founder reaps what he sows. And this is a problem because?

Tsk tsk. Ahmed Yassin, a wheelchair-bound Muslim Jew hater and Jew murderer will now moulder along with Abu Abbas the Jew hater and murderer who killed a wheelchair bound Jew. And this is a problem because why?

Oh, and as for the hyperbole that Israel has "opened up the gates of hell"? Um, not really. We've been building a fence to keep hell out.

Hamas founder reaps what he sows

March 21, 2004

Personal Essays of HAR HA'BAYIT

I was forwarded three links to three people's sites regarding their profound and holy visits to Har Habayit. The links include pictures and essays about various practical aspects of visiting Judaism's holiest site. OUR HOLIEST SITE. In spite of the waqf and our multitude of enemies, and their rhetoric and their lies and their propaganda and their vile mendacity and their false claims, it is our Holiest site and one day, it will be ours again and we will share it with all nations - unlike the current THIEVES and RAPISTS who have turned it into an abomination.

Folks, you MUST visit these links and meditate upon what you see and feel. I'm still awestruck. - this site has some of the most incredible photos of Har Habayit that I've ever seen


By the way, regarding the post below about the Palestinian linked to the Madrid attacks, read it carefully; isn't it odd to say "The palestinian cleric, born in Jordan..."? Wouldn't he have been a Jordanian? Or, considering that Trans-Jordan was indeed the partitioned area given to the racist Jew hating arabs in 1948, the partition which they rejected, isn't it actually an accurate statement? Accurate because the real "palestine" IS Jordan, but noone in any country anywhere in EURABIA has the guts to mention that.

See folks? It's all wordplay. Say a lie often enough and people begin to believe it.

Deir Yassin

Arabs blame Arab hatred of Israel on the "massacre" at Deir Yassin in April 1948 and claim that Israel was attacked in May 1948, one day AFTER her rebirth, because of Deir Yassin.

Folks, the massacre at Deir Yassin is a hoax, perpetrated by Jew haters, arabists and terrorist apologists.

Here are the facts about Deir Yassin as detailed in a PBS documentary, "The 50 Years War: Israel and the Arabs," which was broadcast nationally on January 24, 1999.

* Deir Yassin was heavily-armed. Deir Yassin was not an unarmed, peaceful village, as Arab propagandists claim. Rather, it was a heavily-armed nest of terrorists who in 1947-1948 had been attacking nearby Jewish neighborhoods and traffic on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway. The village was not the soft target the Jews had expected. One of the commanders of the Jewish force, Ben Zion Cohen, describes in the documentary how the Arabs were "shooting from every house," resulting in 42 wounded and 6 dead out of an attacking force of 132 soldiers.

* The Jewish attackers warned the Deir Yassin residents in advance. In order to avoid causing casualties among the Deir Yassin resident, the Jewish soldiers gave up the element of surprise and announced to the villagers in advance that they were approaching. Abu Mahmoud, a Deir Yassin resident interviewed in the documentary, recalled: "Their loudspeakers blared out, ‘Lay down your arms! Run for your lives!’"

*Claims of rape and other atrocities were fabricated to incite Arab violence against Israel. Arab eyewitnesses interviewed in the PBS documentary reveal that they were told by Dr. Hussein Khalidi, a prominent Palestinian Arab leader, to fabricate claims of atrocities at Deir Yassin in order to encourage Arab regimes to invade the Jewish state-to-be. Deir Yassin resident Abu Mahmoud recalls: "We gathered in Jerusalem at the Hebron Gate. We checked who was missing, and who had survived. Then the Pal leaders arrived, including Dr. Khalidi."

Hazem Nusseibeh, an editor of the Palestine Broadcasting Service’s Arabic news in 1948, reveals: " I asked Dr. Khalidi how we should cover the story. "He said, ‘We must make the most of this." So he wrote a press release stating that at Deir Yassin children were murdered, pregnant women were raped. All sorts of atrocities."

The PBS narrator then says: "Arab radio stations passed on the false reports, ignoring the protests of the witnesses." Deir Yassin resident Abu Mahmoud adds: "We said, ‘There was no rape.’ He [Khalidi] said, ‘We have to say this so the Arab armies will come to liberate Palestine from the Jews.’"

These admissions are especially significant because Khalidi was one of the originators of the "massacre" allegation in 1948. Khalidi’s claims about Jewish atrocities in Deir Yassin were the basis for an article in the New York Times by its correspondent, Dana Schmidt (on April 12, 1948), claiming a massacre took place. The Times article has been widely reprinted and cited as "proof" of a massacre throughout the past 50 years.

* The number of dead was 110, not 254. The narrator of the PBS documentary states definitively, "110 Arabs died in Deir Yassin"--starkly contradicting the claim by Arabs and their supporters for more than 50 years, that 254 or more Arabs were killed.

* The Arabs who left Israel in 1948 were not expelled; they left voluntarily. Hazem Nusseibeh also says in the PBS documentary, concerning the fabricated Deir Yassin allegations: "This was our biggest mistake. We did not realize how our people would react. As soon as they heard that women had been raped at Deir Yassin, Palestinians fled in terror. They ran away from all our villages." The PBS narrator then adds: "In the next few months, over half the Arab population, three quarters of a million people, fled their homes in Palestine."

In other words, the Palestinian Arabs left voluntarily, overreacting to their own leaders’ fabricated atrocity reports. They were not expelled, as Arab propagandists claim.

The ZOA’s study, Deir Yassin: History of a Lie, a 32-page analysis (with 156 footnotes) was released in April 1998. The full text is available on the ZOA web site,

March 20, 2004

Palestinian linked to Madrid attacks

Counter-terrorist police probing the massive attack in Madrid one week ago see a "definite link" to Muslim extremists in Britain, according to a senior British law enforcement official.

Detained palestinian cleric Abu Qatada, regarded by British and Spanish authorities as a key al-Qaida figure in Europe, likely will be questioned, reported the Independent newspaper of London.

"We believe there is a London link with what happened in Madrid," said metropolitan police commissioner Sir John Stevens. "There is a definite link in what has happened." The March 11 blasts in Madrid killed 202 and injured more than 1,500 just days before last Sunday's Spanish elections and tomorrow's first anniversary of the U.S. led war in Iraq. The Independent quoted a "senior anti-terrorist source" who said the man suspected of organizing the attack, Jamal Zougam, 30, is believed to have traveled to the UK to acquire funding and logistical help. Authorities believe Zougam had connections to Qatada, known also as Omar Mahmoud Abu Omar, who received asylum in Britain in 1994.

The palestinian cleric, born in Jordan, was given a life sentence after being convicted in absentia in his home country for 1988 terrorist attacks. British police arrested him along with eight other people in 2001 on suspicion of terrorist activities, but all were released. The British government froze his assets after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S.

Qatada has denied any connection to al-Qaida but has expressed sympathy for leader Osama bin Laden.

Islamists rape 100 women in attack

Arab militias backed by Khartoum's radical Muslim regime raped more than 100 women in an attack in western Sudan.

Mukesh Kapila, the United Nations coordinator for Sudan, told the BBC 75 people were killed in the attack on the village of Tawila two weeks ago.

"All houses as well as a market and a health center were completely looted and the market burnt," he said. "Over 100 women were raped, six in front of their fathers who were later killed."

The attack, in which a further 150 women and 200 children were abducted, was one of many as village after village was razed by the militias, Kapila said. Hundreds of thousands were ousted from their homes and more than 100,000 have fled across the border into Chad, where they have continued to face cross-border raids.

Kapila called for more international aid and urgent intervention to bring a ceasefire in the war. Sudan's cleric-backed National Islamic Front regime in the Arab and Muslim north declared a jihad on the mostly Christian and animist south in 1989. Since 1983, an estimated 2 million people have died from war and related famine. About 5 million have become refugees.

As WorldNetDaily reported, Khartoum government forces also are alleged to have gang-raped women, sometimes forcing them to deny their Christian faith or be killed. Kapila said he was in Rwanda during the genocide of 1994 but still is "totally shocked" at what is going on in Sudan.

"This is ethnic cleansing, this is the world's greatest humanitarian crisis, and I don't know why the world isn't doing more about it," he told BBC Radio 4's Today program. The U.N. is concerned the fighting in western Sudan could undermine the peace talks as they come to an end.

Islamists rape 100 women in attack

March 19, 2004

Israel does not exist by Mike Evans

Why does the U.S. government not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital when, in fact, it has been the capital of Israel for 3,300 years – since the days of King David?

The 104th Congress passed public law 104-45 – the Jerusalem Embassy Act – in 1995. This document officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Public Law 104-45 also allocates $25 million to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.

Why has this been postponed by a presidential waiver every six months since it was passed in Congress? The premise is that implementing the move of the embassy to Jerusalem, and recognizing one of the oldest capitals in the world, would cause a national security threat in the United States.

In 1988, I confronted Yasser Arafat at the 43rd General Assembly in Geneva concerning the fact that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel. In an uncontrollable rage, Arafat began to scream, "Shut up! Shut up!" Arafat refused to sign documents at Camp David that would have met the vast majority of his demands (including half of Jerusalem). Why? He would have had to recognize Israel's right to exist.

The real reason is plain and simple: Arab bigots do not want the United States to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. In doing so, it would constitute recognizing Israel's right to exist. These same bigots attacked Spain in an attempt to use terrorism as a weapon to force the Spanish government to pull out of the coalition in Iraq, and accept a doctrine of appeasement. It appears to have worked in Spain.

Why do U.S. presidents continue to sign a waiver that postpones the implementation of the Jerusalem Embassy Act? The answer is simple: Blackmail by Arab bigots who refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist.

On Sept. 5, 1972, the entire world was shocked when one of the most despicable terrorism attacks in history took place at the Munich Olympics. Arab terrorists (later identified as Palestinians) took hostage and then murdered 11 Israeli athletes in an attempt to blackmail the Israeli government into releasing 200 Arab prisoners. The Palestinian terrorists who mounted the attack were, in fact, members of a PLO faction, Black September. Their murderous actions were approved, financed and celebrated by Yasser Arafat.

Amazingly, the official website of the Athens 2004 Olympic games on Feb. 29, 2004, under "Palestine" stated that the capital was Jerusalem. How in the world can a country that doesn't exist have a capital? After receiving a great number of complaints, the website was changed to read, "The State of Israel is part of the continent of Europe."

This is astonishing to anyone who understands geography. The U.S. State Department calls it "the Near East." Could it be that because Arab bigots refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist, the Olympic Committee concurs? Why should we be surprised when the U.S. president and others refuse to acknowledge that Israel even has a capital? It is the theater of the absurd and a festival of hypocrisy.

The Egyptian-born Arafat has never stated in any document that he wanted West Jerusalem – it was always East Jerusalem (al-Quds). On the other hand, he has frequently said that the Palestinian flag would fly over all the churches and mosques of Jerusalem – referring to the entire city. In fact, the city of Jerusalem has never been the capital of an Arab state in the 1,400 years since the Quran was written, and is not directly mentioned in the Quran.

I am outraged that the Olympic committee recognized the capital of Cuba (Havana), the capital of North Korea (Pyongyang), and the capital of Iran (Tehran), but refuses to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of our closest ally in the Middle East.

President Bush is a man of moral character and clarity. The second week of June, the Jerusalem Embassy Act will again be presented to Mr. Bush. He has a choice either to sign a national security waiver, or allow it to be enacted into law. It is time for him to stand up to Arab bigots, and refuse to sign another waiver on the Jerusalem Embassy Act. There is nothing in the Jerusalem Embassy Act that violates either U.S. or U.N. policy.

Each time the national security waiver is signed, we are saying to terrorists and bigots, "You win." America needs the blessings of God more than favor with Arab bigots. Mr. Bush needs to send a signal to all the would-be Osamas that the party is over. No longer will America allow terrorists to threaten our nation into choosing political expediency over moral clarity.

If Rudolph Giuliani had the courage to say, "No, thank you," to an Arab sheik that wanted to create linkage between 9-11 and Israel, President Bush needs to have moral clarity to do the same. America is in a state of moral decay. It is time for our president to let the godfather of world terrorism, the architect of the Munich massacre, know that the party is over. It is time to freeze the $1.25 billion dollars Arafat has stolen from the Palestinian people, and use it to build schools, hospitals, housing and a broadcasting network that does not glamorize and immortalize suicide bombers.

Israel does not exist by Mike Evans

Oh, by the way...

Saddam Hussein stole a staggering $10.1 billion from the humanitarian U.N.-run oil-for-food program - billions more in thievery than earlier estimates, a congressional investigation revealed yesterday. In a bombshell report, the General Accounting Office uncovered new details about how Saddam was able to thwart the will of the international community through complex rip-off schemes - right under the noses of the United Nations.

1 Year Anniversary of War in Iraq

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the day that coalition forces moved into Iraq to eliminate the terrorist threat posed by Saddam Hussein and his cabal. We were successful and nearly nine months later, Saddam Hussein was captured while hiding in a rat hole. Now the Iraqi people have freedom, can protest openly, and now have a democratic interim constitution.

Terror is not something one should live with. It is something which the Israel and the US governments are obligated to completely destroy. No normal government should sit down and negotiate with murderers.

Our only option is to destroy the enemy first and that is why pre-emption has been the right answer all along.

March 18, 2004

Ayman al-Zawahri, Osama bin Laden's deputy

Pakistani forces believe they have cornered and perhaps wounded Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, in a major battle near the Afghan border, an area where many believe the world's most wanted terrorist has been hiding, three senior Pakistani officials said Thursday.

Who is this piece of dirt? He comes up with the plans and he calls the shots. He is the man with the plan. If we get him, that will be a HUGE win. No one says that killing this guy is a panacea. There will still be hundreds if not a thousand others who will still want to kill us - but - if we can nail this guy, this is a HUGE blow to the terrorist scum's morale. We say, to us and to the Pakistanis, GO GET 'EM.

So, we ask, why are the Pakistanis being so helpful now? Perhaps the Madrid bombings have showed that Al Qaidia is out to destroy all infidels and terrorism is not going to stop - no matter who the target is.

Al Qaida is, was and will continue to be an out of control movement. Pakistan has looked the other way. Americans killed and Israelis killed? No matter. But perhaps now the Pakistanis are getting a little uncomfortable. And it's about time.

Click here to read the rest of this breaking story.

Voting Records of Arabic/Islamic States and US Foreign Aid Amounts

Voting Records of Arabic/Islamic States

These voting records are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations' records:

Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time.
Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time.
Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time.
United Arab Emirates votes against the U. S. 70% of the time.
Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.
Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time.
Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.
Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.
Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.
India votes against the United States 81% of the time.
Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.
Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.

US Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid.

Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Pakistan votes 75% against the United States receives $6,721,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

India votes 81% against the United States receives $143,699,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

In the last year The Taliban terrorized the people of Afghanistan and gave safe haven to Osama Bin Laden, they received $143,000,000 in US Foreign Aid.

Sudan voted 75% against the United States and received $1,121,000 in US Foreign Aid. (The US State Department stated that the Sudanese government is guilty of providing a haven for a variety of terrorist groups including Osama Bin Laden's organization, The Egyptian Jihad, The Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hamas. The Islamic government has also conducted a literal reign of terror against the Christians living in the southern part of the country.)

The Palestinian Authority will receive $500 million dollars in US Foreign Aid over the next five years(!!!) This happened due to the Oslo "Agreement" of 1993, a deal which was endorsed and avidly supported by now New York Senator Hillary Clinton, who was then First Lady. The Clinton Administration sought to establish good relations with terrorist groups despite their support of terrorism and anti-Western stances. The Palestinians were seen on ABC News openly celebrating and dancing in the streets at the news of both suicide bombings on Sept. 11th.

Israel, it must be noted, receives three billion in US Foreign Aid. However, for the last five years it has an average record of voting with the United States 94% of the time.

There is clearly no incentive for most countries to support the United States, as they will receive US Foreign Aid regardless of their stances.

Perhaps it is time for the United States to deny things such as money, scientific, technological, medical expertise, and education to nations who simply will not assist or protect American interests? Worse yet, your Federal dollars go to and support all of the anti-American groups trying to destroy the "American way of life". This may still not balance the budget, but it seems a good place to start.

Source: Voting Records

Source: U.S. State Department

No Jews? Then, no Saudis

New legislation in the U.S. Congress asks Saudi Arabia to clarify its position on tourist visas for Jews.

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation last week that would bar Saudi citizens from receiving tourist visas for the United States until the Saudis clarify whether U.S. Jews can seek tourist visas to Saudi Arabia.

The move comes after a Saudi tourism Web site suggested last month that Jews were barred from receiving visas to the kingdom under new policies. The Saudi Embassy claimed the information on the Web site was a mistake. 'We know they recognized the P.R. problem posed by their Web site; the question is whether they recognize the moral problem posed by their policy, and have moved to correct it,' Weiner said."

History repeats itself, with Canada's help

Forwarded from Page-by-Page in Jewish History, from The National Post, March 14, 2004:

In 1939, when the Nazi program to kill the Jews of Europe was well underway, 907 desperate German Jews aboard the S.S. St. Louis requested sanctuary in Canada. The Liberal prime minister of the day, Mackenzie King -- who had previously flirted with Adolf Hitler and declared him to be "one who truly loves his fellow-men" -- refused their request.

Most died in the death camps of Europe. In 1942, 1,000 Jewish children in a French refugee camp were denied entry to Canada and were liquidated by the Nazis. Of Jewish immigration to Canada, Mackenzie King's immigration minister declared, "None is too many!"

Of course today, we mourn these murdered refugees. We mourn the friends, neighbours, doctors, business people, teachers, writers, engineers, cab drivers, philanthropists and scoundrels who would never be part of the Canadian fabric, because our Liberal government was indifferent to their fate and sympathetic to their persecutors. With such a weight on our collective conscience, we will never again side with the killers of Jews.

Or will we?

When a Canadian Jew, Yechezkel Goldberg, along with 10 other innocents, was massacred recently by a Palestinian terrorist on a bus in Jerusalem, the Canadian ambassador to Israel, Donald Sinclair, was ordered not to visit his grieving family because they lived in the West Bank, a place that official Canadian policy, as well as the suicide bomber and his handlers, believed should be Judenrein (Jew-free). By this order, Canada validated the racist grievance of the Jew-killers.

How much has changed when Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, is also the only country targeted for condemnation by United Nations resolutions? Since 1996, there have been 113 resolutions condemning Israel. Canada's vote was 78 yes, 35 abstain and 0 no. Canada's support for the vilification of Israel and the fact that precisely zero resolutions have been tabled criticizing the Palestinian Authority tells us that this is an exercise in global bullying, not even-handed moral suasion.

If our Liberal government was guided by a moral compass that reflected Canadian respect for life and freedom, we would have voted 'no' on every anti-Israel resolution. But what if Israel really is guilty of some imperfection that deserves censure? Until UN resolutions are applied even-handedly in the Middle East -- against suicide bombing, against slavery in the Sudan, against Syria's illegal occupation of Lebanon, against Saudi Arabia for nurturing the mass murderers of 9/11, against the Palestinian Authority for its bloodstained brainwashing of children, against Muslim nations for their misogynistic treatment of women -- then these resolutions have nothing to do with Canadian values, and everything to do with justifying genocide.

But, hold on, the real reason for terrorism is the illegal Jewish occupation of Palestinian land. Our Liberals reinforce, rather than debunk, this mythology, a failure that leaves our government open to accusations of pandering rather than leading. For more than 2,000 years, Jews lived and contributed throughout the entire Middle East, until anti-Semitism and physical threat drove the Jews from every Arab country. Today, the Middle East is 99.8% Jew-free and no Jew can safely live as a citizen except in a miniscule 0.2% known as Israel. This sliver of land -- Israel -- is all that Jews have left.

Today, six million people live in a land without oil or other natural resources, and have created the only democracy in the entire region, the only country with world-class universities, hospitals, technology, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and rights for women, gays and minorities. In fact, Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs can vote for their representatives in free elections. Amazingly, Arabs are full members of the Israeli Knesset (parliament) and sit as judges in the Israeli judiciary. The deputy speaker of the Knesset is Abdulmalik Dehamshe, an Arab representative. Both Israeli Arabs and Palestinians have free access to the Israeli Supreme Court, and have won cases against the Israeli government.

Yet Canada's voting record at the UN says that Israel is the only country deserving of condemnation. Our government sides with the killers of Jews hoping that, by joining the mob, "Damascus will return our phone calls," to quote a prominent Liberal MP.

As Walid Shoebat -- former Fatah terrorist turned Christian -- said recently in Toronto,

"The only illegal occupation in the Middle East is the illegal occupation of
Palestinian minds by hatred."

He also observed, "The Holocaust never ended. The only difference is that today the Jews have a country and an army." And so the Holocaust continues, and our Liberal government chooses to condemn its victims and appease its perpetrators. Can someone please tell me what's changed since 1939?

Alastair Gordon is communications director for the Canadian Coalition for Democracies.

Small Dead Animals

Kate of Small Dead Animals has written an excellent piece called Anti-Semitism, Overt and Covert. I am still reeling from its painfulness.

March 17, 2004

Don't lose focus

The children depicted here,, grow up to be the barbarians depicted here:

Palestinian terrorists tried to blow up an 11 year old palestinian boy.

Palestinian terrorists were prepared to blow up an 11-year-old Palestinian boy after he was stopped by Israeli soldiers at a road block in the West Bank.

Palestinian boy used by terrorists to smuggle bomb (Israel Channel One TV)

Members of the Tanzim of Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement tried to use the boy, Abdallah Quran, to smuggle a bomb through the roadblock, the Jerusalem Post reported.

When soldiers stopped him, they tried to detonate it with a cell phone.

Israeli secret service agents had alerted troops in the area of plans by a bomber to leave Nablus, the paper said.

The boy, who lives in a refugee camp east of Nablus, was promised a large sum of money if he would take the bomb, stuffed with bolts, in a bag through the roadblock and hand it to a woman waiting on the other side.

The bomb was about 15 to 22 pounds.

Lt. Col. Guy, a Paratroop Brigade battalion commander, told the Jerusalem Post a solider noticed the boy was uneasy and, when questioned, said the bag did not belong to him.

"She immediately alerted officers, and with the other soldiers, distanced everyone from the area," Guy said. "When the boy's dispatchers saw he was being detained, they dialed the cell phone inside the bag meant to detonate the bomb in an attempt, but it failed top go off."

Guy said the boy would be freed after questioning.

"We're not going to do anything with a boy like that, an innocent kid trying to earn his daily bread," he told the Jerusalem paper. "Someone apparently promised him money for getting the bomb across."

Guy said terrorist groups commonly use children or women as couriers for arms and explosives.

"We have caught a 39-year-old mother of seven ... with an explosive belt under her clothes," he said.

Officials say 29 suicide bombers younger than 18 have been dispatched by terrorists since the current Intifada began.

Since 2001, more than 40 other minors who were involved in planning suicide bombings have been arrested by security forces, according to the Post. Minors have carried out 22 shootings and bombings during that time.

Palestinian terrorists tried to blow up an 11 year old palestinian boy

A human voice amongst the savages

Taking an unusual stance, a columnist for the Saudi English-language Arab News criticized Arabs for blaming the U.S. for recent terror attacks in Iraq.

Muhammad Al-Rasheed chastised Shia clerics in a column last Wednesday for blaming the U.S. for the recent attacks against Shia in Karbala and Baghdad, reported the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Arabs tend to "blame others and shun the facts," he said, pointing out prominent clerics, including some in Lebanon, have pinned responsibility on the U.S.

"Mind you, this America is the [same one] the Shia are now talking to so they can finally govern themselves for the first time in 1,400 years," al-Rasheed said.

"If I were a Shia and from Iraq, I'd pray to the Almighty that America remained in Iraq until the country was stable and on its feet again," he continued. "Otherwise, the Karbala massacre will be just a trailer for the full version of an unbelievable horror show."

Al-Rasheed said he found the reaction of the clerics "overwhelming" while "the blood is still hot and streaming down the streets of Iraq."

Bomb attacks March 2 in the Shia holy city of Karbala and in Baghdad killed more than 100 people as millions of pilgrims packed streets for the Ashura ceremony, one of the holiest in the Shia calendar.

Al-Rasheed challenged the clerics to "name names and point fingers in the right direction."

"We are sick and tired of this kind of behavior," he said. "We honestly have had enough of it and cannot blame the world for looking at us and wondering if we retain any shred of humanity. The creed that sanctions blowing up worshipers in mosques (or any other religious venue for that matter, including office buildings since Islam says that work is worship) should be declared the public enemy of humanity. The U.N. should vote on that publicly and let us count the votes and identify those who vote against the motion."

Al-Rasheed called the terrorists who carried out the attacks more barbarous than ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

"The perpetrators have an agenda more vicious than anything Saddam could have dreamed up," al-Rasheed said. "Saddam killed and maimed to maintain his rule by brute force. These people kill and maim to turn people against each other and to satisfy a bloodlust based on elitism in theological terms. In other words, they want to win in this world and go to heaven in the next. I don't think Saddam was that optimistic; otherwise, the Americans would not have found him alive in a hole."

Al-Rasheed said, "Just when we seem to have moved a step forward, something happens to make us take 10 steps back," said. "Sacrificial blood in Karbala and Baghdad is nothing new but the latest atrocity on the most sacred day for the Shia was a criminal act of monstrous proportions. The carnage and the spectacle were on a scale not seen since the last sacking of Karbala over a century ago."

Saudi chastises Arabs for blaming U.S.

March 15, 2004

Madrid Suspect Linked to 9/11

Here is the photo of the porcine, bloated swine-nugget, Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas, one of the five muslim savages considered to be responsible for the Madrid terror attacks.

What's interesting is that this two-legged pus sack was previously jailed by a Spanish judge for allegedly helping plan the Sept. 11 attacks, which means that this savage didn't blow up Madrid because of Spain's alliance with the US, he blew up Madrid because he had already blown up the Twin Towers.

Instead of blaming the horror and the savagery on islam and the islamofascists, where the blame righteously belongs, the Spaniards blame their ousted president for siding with the US.

The people of Spain's decision to oust their current government is a blatant, flaming demonstration of cowardice.

March 14, 2004

Four Points: Arguments for Israel by Daniel Weinstein

From Four Points: Arguments for Israel:
In this age of sound-bites, here are some key facts at your fingertips.

When it comes to Israel, tempers sometimes flare, and sometimes we don't even know how to respond. We might hear a new argument or a new perspective, and the limited knowledge we have proves to be insufficient. Especially in the age of sound-bites and knee-jerk politics, we need to have more facts at our fingertips, organize what we know, and be prepared to respond effectively.

Recognizing this, here is a "Four-Point" educational campaign produced by Hasbara Fellowships. Each of the following 10 topics has four bullet-points -- to help deepen our understanding of the major issues of the Mideast conflict.


1) Jews can live in Mexico City, Bangkok, St. Louis, and any city in the world (except in Saudi Arabia) -- but the PA wants to forbid Jews from living in the very cradle of Judaism.

2) The only period in the last 3,000 years without a continued Jewish presence in the West Bank was the 19 years between 1948-1967 when the Jordanian government banned Jews from living there.

3) In 1979, Ariel Sharon dismantled Yamit and other settlements in the Sinai when it was absolutely clear that compromise would bring a true peace.

4) Since the disputed territories were never part of a sovereign nation, and were acquired in a defensive war, international law permits the voluntary settlement of the land. Recognizing this, and the Oslo agreements never addressed the issue of Jewish or Arab settlements.


1) There would be no refugee problem if seven Arab nations had not attacked Israel upon its inception in 1948.

2) Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries have consciously chosen to isolate refugees as political pawns, rather than integrate them into a normalized life. UN General Assembly Resolution 194 reads that all governments involved must share responsibility.

3)800,000 Jewish refugees were expelled from Arab countries in 1948, but their descendents are normalized today because they were absorbed by Israel and other countries.

4) As opposed to refugees in Arab countries, Israel integrated Arabs within its borders as citizens, and 1.2 million Israeli Arabs now enjoy citizenship, benefits, and governmental representation in Israel.

Compromises for Peace

1) Israel signed independent peace treaties with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994), each time giving away either land, oil, settlements, or strategic military advantage to achieve a peaceful agreement.

2) Israel gave the Palestinian Authority land, money, weapons, training, and intelligence, all in the hope that the PA would reciprocate with an end to terror and incitement.

3) The very formula "Land for Peace" indicates that Arabs compromise for what they want most -- land, while Israel compromises for what it wants most -- peace.

4) In 1917, 1937, 1947, 1956, 1979, and 1993 Israeli leaders established a pattern of accepting the handover of land in exchange for peace agreements with its Arab neighbors.

Waiting for a true Partner

1) The real PLO took the Israeli Olympic delegation hostage in the 1972 Munich Olympic games, and after failing to extort the release of Palestinian prisoners, killed 11 Israeli athletes.

2) The real PLO invented the idea of skyjackings in 1970, and instilled fear in travelers across the world.

3) The real PLO shot and killed the elderly, unarmed, wheelchair-bound, U.S. citizen Leon Klinghoffer on the Achille Lauro cruise liner in 1985.

4) The real PLO continues to incite violence against Jews, promote the armed struggle to "liberate all of Palestine," and indoctrinate Palestinian children into a culture of hatred where death is the ultimate prize.

The 3,000-year Jewish connection

1) The only independent sovereign nations to ever exist in the Land of Israel were the two ancient Jewish commonwealths, the second of which was destroyed in 70 of the common era.

2) For 3,000 years, Jews have expressed the desire to return to their ancestral homeland: at the Passover Seder, the Yom Kippur service, in daily prayer, in the blessing after meals, under the wedding canopy, on the yearly day of national mourning Tisha B'Av, and by placing Israeli soil in the coffin of their deceased.

3) Even after exile, Jews managed to keep a continual presence of Jewish communities in such cities as Jerusalem, Tzfat, Tiberias, Shechem, and Hebron.

4) Centuries before the inception of Islam, Jews were yearning to return to Israel, and the Koran itself records this in many suras (chapters), such as 17:7, 17:104, and 5:21 that tells the Jews to "enter into the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you."

Holy Sites

1) When Israel gained control and reunified Jerusalem in 1967, rather than forbid Muslim worship or close the mosques, it allowed the Muslim Waqf (religious authority) to administer and control the Temple Mount and maintain the Al-Aqsa mosque.

2) Under Jordanian rule, Jews were forbidden from praying at the Western Wall; the Mount of Olives cemetery and 58 Jewish synagogues were destroyed. However, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim sites are open to all worshippers under Israeli rule -- except for the site of the ancient Jewish Temple, the Temple Mount, where Jews are normally forbidden to pray.

3) When Israel transferred military control to the PA, angry mobs burned and destroyed Jewish holy sites and religious artifacts at Jericho, Hebron, and Joseph's tomb in Nablus.

4) In 2002, Palestinian terrorists took 30 monks hostage in Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity because they knew Jewish soldiers would not shoot inside. After the hostages were freed, investigators found the Church profaned and desecrated.


1) Mecca and Medina are the holiest cities to Muslims; Vatican City is the holiest to Catholics. While Jerusalem has significance to many religions, Jerusalem is supreme and holiest only to the Jews. When it was conquered by Jordan in 1949, no Muslim dignitary or leader visited Jerusalem in any official, public, or religious capacity.

2) Jerusalem has been central to Judaism since biblical times, when it was made the eternal spiritual capital of the Jewish people.

3) Jews have been the majority in Jerusalem since 1840, and there has been a continual Jewish presence in Jerusalem since the destruction of the Temple in the year 70 of the common era. (Paul Johnson, History of the Jews)

4) Jerusalem is for everyone only when it is in Israeli control.

The UN and International Law

1) The 1917 Balfour Declaration, the League of Nations Mandate, the 1947 UN Partition Plan, and Israel's 1949 admission into the UN reaffirmed Israel the international right to exist as the Jewish homeland.

2) UN Security Council Resolution 242 reads that Israel should relinquish land only if it is in the context of a "peaceful and accepted settlement." 3) UN Resolution 242 requires that all states in the area recognize Israel's "right to live in peace with secure and recognized borders free from threats or acts of force."

4) Until 2002, Israel was the only UN member state ineligible to sit on the Security Council, and today that right is still only limited and temporary. Since the 1970s, an Arab-Soviet-Third World Bloc reinforced Israel's outcast status by barring Israel from other key UN bodies and making Israel the object of more investigative committees and special representatives than any other state in the UN.

Israel's Excessive Restraint

1) Israel is facing a serious threat -- Palestinian gunmen have repeatedly fired at civilians and soldiers from hospitals, mosques and schools, using humans as shields and ambulances to transport weaponry.

2) Though the intifada has heaped violence upon Israel, there have been, on average, less than one person injured per Palestinian riot. Israel is currently training 26 other countries in technology it has created to minimize injury in crowd and riot control situations.

3) During "Black September" in Jordan in 1970, 2,500 Palestinian rioters were killed in 10 days by the Jordanian army. In 1993, UN Peacekeeping troops justified the killing of almost 100 Somalis by noting that, "Everyone on the ground in the vicinity was a combatant, because they meant to do us harm."

4) In April 2002, IDF ground forces went door-to-door to target known terrorists in Jenin, rather than use artillery or carpet bomb the city from above. Israel put its own troops at risk and lost 23 of its own soldiers because of this concern to not injure the innocent among its enemies.

Palestinian Lexicon

1) Hudna: strategic ceasefire engineered to rearm for the next battle, in English it is referred to as a "peace agreement." In the West, we tend to think of a "ceasefire" leading to peace - a Hudna is designed to lead to war.

2) Fatwa: Religiously inspired death warrant on the head of an enemy, all Jews living in Israel have a fatwa issued by Hamas leadership.

3) Occupation: Term describing a Jewish presence in any of the Land of Israel, including Israeli cities such as Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Hadera; in Western media it is tailored to refer only to the West Bank and Gaza.

4) Jihad: The religious struggle to eradicate the Jews from Israel and establish an Islamic society in their stead.

The Official Curriculum Used in the Palestine Authority

On 11th January, 1999, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres opened the session of the PERES CENTER FOR PEACE by saying that the era of Arab Incitement against Israel is a thing of the past.

Here is a thorough study of the official curriculum used in the Palestine Authority, prepared by the CENTER FOR MONITORING THE IMPACT OF PEACE, whose website is located at, The Center was established to examine the impact of the peace process between Israel and the Arab countries, on the way "youth" are being educated, particularly through the crucial media of school books and television.

A must-read for advocates and readied proof that the palestinian culture is a festering hotbed for hatred and ungodliness.

Today's Bombings are a Pefect Argument for the FENCE

After more than three years of the intifada, Israel has decided to build a protective fence that would separate “Israel proper” from the “West Bank” and protect its citizens from murderous assaults which so far have caused over 1,000 Jewish deaths.

What are the facts?

A nation at war. Israel is at war—a war imposed on it by its mortal enemies. The Arabs are prepared to do anything at all, including their individual or collective self-immolation to attain their murderous ends. During the last three years, during their so-called Al Aksa intifada, scores of young Palestinians have blown themselves up in order to take as many of the hated Jews as possible with them. They have been most “successful” in that grisly endeavor.

Israel has refrained from inflicting serious punishment on its tormentors. Clearly, Israel’s military might would enable it to destroy its enemies quickly, but decency and respect for human life keep it from that. Instead, Israel decided to build a protective Fence, the course of which essentially follows the “green line,” the armistice line from the 1948 War of Liberation. The only purpose of the Fence is to keep suicide bombers out of “Israel proper” and to seal it off from Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank”). The Fence causes inconvenience and hardship for the Arabs. Before the intifada, up to 200,000 of them went daily to their jobs in Israel. Now, that source of income is cut off. More than 50 per cent of its employable men are out of work and unable to feed their families.

The one person guilty of having brought this suffering, this misery on his people is Yasser Arafat, the president of the so-called “Palestinian Authority.” World opinion and even our own government prevent Israel from touching this archvillain and from bringing him to justice.

Some misconceptions. It is not clear why so many are opposed to Israel’s protective Fence. The radical left is protesting it in noisy rallies all over the world. Some call it a “wall,” bringing up odious images of the wall erected by the Soviet Union to prevent mass flights to the West. But the Israeli Fence is not that. Only less than four miles out of the eighty-three miles that have been built so far actually constitute a wall, rather than a fence. The walled portions were built in areas where sniper incidents have occurred.

Another misconception about the Fence is that it intrudes on “Palestinian land.” It is true that the Fence—the portions that are now built and the portions that are still to be built—extends in some localities across the “green line.” That is only in order to include that small part of the “West Bank” in which about 75 per cent of Israelis beyond the “green line” now live. Some people are in uproar because they argue that Israel has de facto annexed “Palestinian land.” But that is nonsense, of course. There is no “Palestinian land.” It is only the constant repetition that makes people believe that the “West Bank” belongs to the “Palestinians.” Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank”) is part of the Jewish homeland. Any land that Israel might eventually yield to the Arabs to establish some kind of autonomy would be an act of generosity and accommodation unprecedented in world history.

Israel has tremendous expenses for its educational and social needs. No Israeli decision maker would waste money on a fence if the constant atrocity attacks had not made it imperative. If attacks were to stop, the Fence project could be immediately halted. Those who oppose the Fence and refer to it as an “apartheid wall” either do not understand the horror that suicide terrorists inflict on Israel’s civilian population or they do not wish Israel well. But if the Arabs would abandon their obsession to obliterate the Jewish state, and once they demonstrated that they truly wished to live in peace with Israel and participate in its prosperity and booming economy, the Fence could be torn down in no time at all. But that happy day seems far away.

What is wrong with a fence? We have a 70-mile-long fence—ultimately to be lengthened to 330 miles—snaking along the Mexican border. Its purpose is not to keep murderous intruders at bay, but to prevent people looking for work from entering our country. How can we then ask the Israelis not to build a fence to protect the lives of their citizens? The Gaza Strip is and has been for years surrounded by such a fence. Not a single suicide attacker has ever been able to cross into Israel from Gaza, while, with devastating “success,” hundreds have been able to cross the open border of the “West Bank.” And then there was the “good fence” between Lebanon and Israel, which for many years Lebanese workers could daily cross into Israel and earn their livelihood. The corollary of the wise saying that good fences make good neighbors is that bad neighbors require good fences. And surely, the Arab terrorists are the very worst neighbors that could happen to Israel.

This ad has been published and paid for by FLAME.

muslim Savages Kill at Least 11 in Israel Again

muslim Savages Kill at Least 11 in Israel
Two muslim savages exploded bombs in Ashdod, a closely guarded Israeli seaport on Sunday, killing nine Israeli bystanders and wounding 18, police said.

Islam, the godless religion of hatred and terror.

March 13, 2004

Think about it

Israel's late foreign minister, Abba Eban, once said: "If Algeria introduced a resolution at the UN declaring that the Earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions."

On May 14, 1948, the day the State of Israel was born, while it was being attacked on every one of its borders by arab armies, David Ben-Gurion made the call for peace part of Israel's Declaration of Independence: "We extend our hand to all neighboring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighborliness."

That call for peace still stands, yet no arab could ever rise to meet that call.

Therefore, to accuse Israel, a country that continues to seek peace after 56 years of terror and war, of being racist, or of being an apartheid state engaged in ethnic cleansing, is akin to declaring that Israel has flattened the world.

~ from Arutz 7 forwarded by Radio Rote

Iraqi artist converts Saddam statues into one honoring U.S.

In the "turning a sow's ear into a silk purse" category, an Iraqi artist has used the melted remains of two Saddam Hussein statues to make a new sculpture honoring America's sacrifice for the Middle East nation.

During Hussein's reign, the artists, Kalat, was forced to craft two statues of Saddam on horseback for display in the former dictator's hometown, Tikrit. After Hussein was ousted, members of the U.S. Army's 4th Infantry Division destroyed the statues and sent the pieces to Kalat. To show his appreciation for the U.S., the artist melted the pieces and used the bronze for his new work. The sculpture features a small Iraqi girl comforting a U.S. soldier who is mourning a fallen comrade before a memorial of boots, rifle and helmet.

According to the Army News Service, the sculpture is based on a scene many in Iraq have witnessed in one form or another.

"It's about freedom for this country, but it's also about the children who will grow up in a free society," Command Sgt. Maj. Chuck Fuss told the news service.

The statue, which currently sits in one of Saddam's former palaces, will eventually be flown to Fort Hood, Texas, where it will become part of a larger memorial project at the 4th Infantry Division museum.

Kalat spent several months sculpting and casting the statue, the Army News Service reported.

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