August 31, 2004

Muslims leave another slime trail

Folks, innocent Russians were murdered today. Innnocent Israelis were murdered today. And innocent Nepalese were beheaded and murdered in Iraq.

What is the common thread, folks? Who are behind these murders? Are we allowed to profile? Or are we supposed to act dumb?

Well, I'll tell you who's behind all of this: Muslims. That's right, I'm talking about the members of the "religion of peace". Muslims are behind every fiendish crime against humanity around the globe and it's high time these vermin were crushed and buried in the sand.

Attack on USS Liberty was accidental

Since I mentioned the USS Liberty in the post below, I thought it would be educational to provide the correct information on exactly what happened that day. Here is an article that provides the open and shut case about the USS Liberty:
Declassified documents show Israel's 1967 attack on USS Liberty was accidental By Ellis Shumanm, israelinsider, July 9, 2003

New documents released this week by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) prove that Israel's 1967 attack on the USS Liberty was accidental. The Israeli attack on the American surveillance ship during the Six Day War, which killed 34 U.S. servicemen and wounded 172, has been a controversial and disputed chapter in Israel's relations with the United States.

Last week, the NSA released additional information relative to the June 8, 1967 attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. The information included three audio recordings, transcripts (in English), three follow-up reports, and a U.S. Cryptologic History Report entitled "Attack on a Sigint Collector, the U.S.S. Liberty."

The documents, originally classified as "top secret," were made public according to the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and at the request of Florida Federal Judge Jay Cristol, who has been investigating the Liberty incident for years and published a book on the subject last year, Haaretz reported.

The NSA stated that it did not have recorded communications from the Israeli Air Force jets or missile boats that were directly involved in the attack on the USS Liberty. The information released is voice conversations between two Israeli helicopter pilots and the control tower at Hatzor Airfield following the attack on the Liberty.

The helicopter pilots were summoned from their base to assess the damage caused to the unidentified ship off the Sinai coast. The transcript includes the following dialogue between the pilots:


And a few minutes later:


The information indicated, therefore, that the Israeli Air Force presumed the ship to be Egyptian, and that the attack did not deliberately target an American intelligence ship.

According to the NSA information, "the Israeli helicopter apparently informed the Hatzor on a different frequency that it had sighted an American flag on the ship. Hatzor then asked the helicopter to make another pass to check 'if this was really an American flag.'"

Conspiracy theorists have stated frequently that the USS Liberty was openly flying the American flag and the Israeli Air Force pilots knew this at the time of the attack.

In an article published in the Spring 2000 issue of Azure, author Michael B. Oren provided additional information, based on declassified Israeli military reports, that proved that the Israeli Mirage pilots did not see an American flag flying on the USS Liberty.

"The pilot then spoke with Air Force commander Gen. Motti Hod, who asked him repeatedly whether he could see a flag. The answer was 'Negative.' Nor were there any distinguishing marks other than some "black letters" painted on the hull."

According to Haaretz, the release of the tapes by the NSA last week was not the first time that they were made available to the public. The Israeli government presented them to the Thames television network in 1987. Conspiracy theorists charged, however, that Israel had doctored the tapes. This is the first time that the Americans have released information supporting Israel's claim that it had attacked a ship presumed to be Egyptian.

"It's the last piece of intelligence that remained classified, and every rational person that will read it will understand that there is no truth in these conspiracy theories against Israel," Cristol told Haaretz yesterday.

"Those who hate Israel, who hate Jews, and those who believe in conspiracy will not be convinced by anything," he added.

* Find this article at:

Three articles on the "Israeli Spy"

Folks, as you know, the media is running with yet another allegation of an Israeli spy at the Pentagon. Over the weekend, the Washington Post reported that Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin was under investigation for slipping a draft Iran policy paper, known as a National Security Policy Directive, to members of AIPAC.
A senior law enforcement official and administration sources said the Franklin investigation stems from a two-year FBI probe into who leaked top secret war plans for Iraq published by the New York Times on July 5, 2002.

A scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a friend of Franklin, Michael Ledeen, said, "Larry Franklin is a little person, he is not a political player. Think before you destroy a little person. When the FBI has a case against someone, they go to a grand jury, they indict him and arrest and put him away, they don't go to Leslie Stahl [of CBS]." (New York Sun, 30 Aug 04)

Here are three articles on the subject, compiled from Daily Alert:

  1. Is There a Jewish Conspiracy at the Pentagon? - David Frum

    Somebody sold CBS News, NBC, and the Washington Post a grand conspiracy theory of sinister Zionist influence in the Pentagon based on what really? The theory alleges that a) Two years ago, some Pentagon planners wrote a draft memo suggesting that the U.S. adopt a tougher policy toward Iran; b) One of those planners then supposedly informed a friend at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee about the memo - who in turn informed the Israeli embassy. The memo in question - a draft of a proposed presidential policy directive for Iran - was essentially rejected. The Bush administration has opted since 2001 for a policy of engagement and attempted compromise with Iran. For all practical purposes, the memo was an expression of something close to a purely personal opinion. Discussing policy options with knowledgeable people - and even with allied governments - is not "espionage." Which is why, after 18 months of investigation, the investigators were about to drop the matter. It looks as if whoever leaked the story leaked it precisely because he or she was annoyed that the investigators were concluding that the whole thing was much ado about nothing. (National Review) See also The Israeli-Mole Story Doesn't Add Up - Michael Ledeen (National Review)

  2. An Israeli Spy? - Editorial

    The draft "national security presidential directive" that Larry Franklin is accused of having given to AIPAC has been described as little more than a wordier version of a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece. If it was secret, it was because of American political sensitivity, not any genuine security concerns. The document may not have been labeled classified at all until some time after it was written. The existence of the draft directive was, in any case, no secret. A June 15, 2003, Washington Post dispatch by Michael Dobbs reported that "the national security presidential directive on Iran has gone through several competing drafts and has yet to be approved by Bush's senior advisers, according to well-placed sources." If some of Dobbs's well-placed sources were in the State Department and arguing for a softer line against Iran, we'd like to see them subjected to the same FBI scrutiny as Franklin. (New York Sun, 30 Aug 04)

  3. Allegations of Israeli Spying Usually Disappear - Eventually - Alex Safian
    Reports that the FBI suspects a mid-level Pentagon employee specializing in Iranian affairs of conveying classified documents to the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC have led to a predictable storm of press coverage, much of it overheated. CBS led its Nightly News on Friday with its "scoop," and ABC's "Nightline" replaced its scheduled program with coverage of the story. For some unexplained reason, the "Nightline" program included a segment on the USS Liberty incident and an interview with discredited Israel-basher and conspiracy theorist James Bamford. (CAMERA) See also Did CBS Smear Israel and AIPAC? - Richard Baehr and Ed Lasky (FrontPageMagazine) .

Flyer slams U.S. soldiers and Kerry helped promote it

A flyer used by the anti-war group Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry helped lead in the early '70s claims U.S. infantrymen in Vietnam raped Vietnamese women and calls the soldiers butchers.

The flyer uses bold letters to announce: "A U.S. INFANTRY COMPANY JUST CAME THROUGH HERE!"

It then continues:

"If you had been Vietnamese –

"We might have burned your house

"We might have shot your dog

"We might have shot you

"We might have raped your wife and daughter

"We might have turned you over to your government for torture

"We might have taken souvenirs from your property

"We might have shot things up a bit

"We might have done ALL these things to you and your whole TOWN!

"If it doesn't bother you that American soldiers do these things every day to the Vietnamese simply because they are 'Gooks,' then picture YOURSELF as one of the silent VICTIMS."

Before printing the name of the organization responsible for the flyer, Kerry's Vietnam Veterans Against the War, the reader is urged:

"Help us to end the war before they turn your son into a butcher or a corpse."

Kerry has come under fire from Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and others for saying in 1971 Senate testimony that soldiers in Vietnam committed heinous atrocities during the war. Kerry has said he was simply relaying the claims of veterans who testified at the "Winter Soldier investigation" in Detroit that year. He has not apologized for his testimony.

Folks, has Kerry really changed, or as president, will he again emasculate our military?

Kerry group's flyer slams U.S. soldiers

August 30, 2004

Rudolph Giuliani, My Hero

G-d Bless Rudolph Giuliani, my hero and former mayor of New York City, for crystallizing down to the essence as only a true New Yorker can, what's important to consider between the two men seeking victory in the upcoming election. Giuliani illustrated the choice between a courageous, correct-thinking man like George W. Bush and that of a self-serving inconsistent, reed-in-the-wind, like John Kerry. Giuliani hit the ball out of the park.

Folks, if you didn't hear Giuliani's brilliant speech, read the full text here.

I am honored to have heard one of the greatest speeches ever presented in my lifetime. I am still stunned.

2nd Toy In Candy Bag Appears To Depict bin Laden

Folks, you heard about this story last week: a bag of candy shocked a local grandmother who discovered that the toy inside looked like a plane flying right into the Twin Towers. I didn't bother mentioning it here as I passed it off as an aberrational by-product of some backward society in some godless culture which exports plastic toys out of a sweat shop somewhere in Asia. (How's that for generic?). Today, there's a similar story about a second toy found in candy which appears to depict Osama Bin Laden. You can read about it here.

Now one has to ask, who is distributing this candy? Well, it's the Lisy Corporation, and Lisy is recalling the product, which in my mind, redeems them. So, who makes the candy? Lisy says they bought the toys, sight unseen, from L and M Import/Export of Miami. I tried to do some research and not much is out there on L and M Import/Export of Miami. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to assume that the company who produced the toy is foreign owned.

Reuters Editor's Email 'Sad But Revealing'

Todd Eastham, a Reuters news service editor, sent an e-mail to a pro-life group last week, criticizing the group's stance on abortion as well as its support of the Bush administration. The angry email has prompted the pro-life group to question the editor's journalistic integrity.

Folks, let's not be too surprised at this; Reuters lost their moral compass decades ago. Listen to what Todd Eastham wrote:

"What's your plan for parenting & educating all the unwanted children you people want to bring into the world? Who will pay for policing our streets & maintaining the prisons needed to contain them when you, their parents & the system fail them? Oh, sorry. All that money has been earmarked to pay off the Bush deficit. Give me a frigging break, will you?"

What hostility, Toddy.

In fact, Douglas Johnson, the National Right to Life Committee's legislative director, called it "sad but revealing to see an editor for a major news service so casually and gratuitously express such blatant hostility to both the Bush administration and to the right to life of unborn children.

"Apparently, Mr. Eastham feels strongly that abortion is necessary to prevent the birth of children who will otherwise snatch some bread from his mouth," said Johnson. "We can only wonder at how such vehement opinions may color Mr. Eastham's reporting or editing on subjects such as abortion and the Bush administration."

We're with you on that, Mr. Johnson, in fact, you should read what Reuters has to say about Israel and the "poor palestinians".

Reuters Editor's Email 'Sad But Revealing,' Pro-Life Group Says

August 29, 2004

The Apartheid Propaganda

The 1975 UN resolution equating Zionism with racism was the opening shot in the political war to dismember Israel through what Palestinian leaders refer to as "the South African strategy." The process has continued, most notably in the 2001 Durban conference against racism and in the propaganda campaign that attempts to label Israel's anti-terror barrier as an "apartheid wall."

On August 24, Haaretz reported that South African law professor John Dugard, "the special rapporteur for the United Nations on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories," told the UN General Assembly that "there is 'an apartheid regime' in the territories 'worse than the one that existed in South Africa.'"

Although the comparison between Israel and the apartheid regime that ruled South Africa is entirely fictitious, the demonization efforts are propelled by repeating and reinforcing this analogy. The attempt to label Israel as an illegitimate "apartheid state" is the embodiment of the new anti-Semitism that seeks to deny the Jewish people the right of equality and self-determination among the nations.

It is necessary to expose the big lie at the center of the apartheid campaign. Beyond exposing the absurdity of the charges against Israel, it is time to put Arab and Islamic racism - as shown in Sudan and elsewhere - at the center of the international agenda. In political warfare just as on the military battlefield, the best defense is a good offense.

Read the complete article here: The Apartheid Propaganda by Gerald M. Steinberg

Ultra-Orthodox Increasingly Join IDF

The IDF has seen a steady rise in numbers of ultra-Orthodox men who join the army, MA'ARIV reported. According to data revealed Wednesday by the Ministry of Defense, there has been a 50 percent rise in the number of Haredi draftees in comparison to last year. Head of the Social Department in the ministry, Itzik Turjeman, said that, 'the
word of the good treatment they receive in addition to the fact that sometimes their faith is even strengthened during the service has spread across yeshivas,' and contributes to the phenomenon. Turjeman added that, 'the quality of the soldiers has also increased and every year we see men with better profiles'. The Nahal Haredi Battalion began with only several dozen draftees. Today, the battalion includes several platoons, which undergo a combat training course in the Nahal Division. The soldiers then carry out combat missions, mainly in the area of Judea and Samaria.

Separated at Birth?

Madalyn Mary O'Hair

Leslie Cagan

Lynne Stewart

BJ Clinton Invades NY City on Eve of RNC

Quelle partisan of BJ Clinton to address the Riverside Church congregation on the eve of the Republican National Convention. BJ will be introduced as part of an announcement about the current Mobilization 2004 campaign to recover America's spiritual, moral and democratic values.

How fitting. Since BJ is the one that brought down this country's spiritual, moral and democratic values, it's only fitting that he be used by the DemocRATS to feign a fake ascension back towards morality. Who do they think they're fooling?

Let's see, this week alone, the Kerry campaign committee has used an amputee and a Vietnam War widow in two pathetic attempts to prop up Kerry's falling poll numbers. Now they invite a narcisstic sexaholic to preach from a church pulpit.

I'm telling ya - this whole thing is turning into a Fellini film.

The Riverside Church in the City of New York

2 Mohammedans Nailed in Subway Plot

Folks, the RNC is being held near a busy subway station which serves hundreds of thousands of daily riders Sources said the threat was taken so seriously by officials that it was mentioned this week in a Department of Homeland Security memo. The plot unraveled when the NYPD's Intelligence Division began conducting surveillance earlier this year on a group of Muslim Mohammedans in Brooklyn.

One of the men arrested yesterday had been thrown out of the group, sources said.

"Whether this is al Qaeda or an unstable lone wolf doesn't make much of a difference as to the danger," said a law enforcement official.

'Nuff said.

2 Mohammedans Nailed in Subway Plot

August 28, 2004

Ancient Canaanite City, Jewish town found

More proof that the Land is Israel and not "palestinian":

FROM: ICEJ News, August 26


Israeli archeologists have uncovered a 5,000-year-old Canaanite city and a 2,000-year-old Jewish village from the Second Temple period alongside each other in the Modi'in area near the present-day Israeli green-line town of Shoham. The Jewish town existed from about 100 BCE to 135 CE, until the Bar Kochba revolt, archeologist Dr. David Amit told The Jerusalem Post. Excavations have uncovered a 2,000-year-old street, ancient Jewish coins, wine presses, and a mikve (Jewish ritual bath).

FROM: Arutz 7, August 26


The Antiquities Authority revealed yesterday two extraordinary findings in the Tel Bareket archaeological dig near Modiin: A large Jewish village from the Second Temple period, and a Canaanite city from the period between Noah and Abraham.

"This is one of the most unique sites ever dug in Israel," Antiquities Authority sources told Maariv. Some ten archaeologists and 250 workers took part in the unprecedented dig, which took place over a large area that was divided into two parts. In one area, diggers discovered housing units, mikvaot [ritual baths], a water canal and reservoir system, yards, streets, agricultural findings, and coins from the Hasmonean period and later. In the second area, a large and well-fortified city from close to 5,000 years ago was found.

August 27, 2004


Well, I just received a phone call that shouldn't have surprised me, but it actually shook me up and that is that my dad has taken a turn for worse, he is not doing well, has a fever and has lost 40 pounds. I haven't seen him in three weeks and he didn't look gaunt then, and my mom saw him a week ago, and she didn't think he looked gaunt, and we can't believe that he lost 40 pounds in one week since then. The doctor from the nursing home is recommending a hospice, so arrangements for this will take place on Monday. My poor Dad.

I'll keep you posted.

Explosives Found in Wreckage of Russian Plane

Quelle surprise. Traces of explosives have been found in the wreckage of one of two Russian airliners that crashed nearly simultaneously earlier this week, the Federal Security Service said Friday, a day after a top official acknowledged that terrorism was most likely behind the crashes. A Web site known for "militant Muslim comment", meanwhile, published a claim of responsibility for downing the two planes, connecting the action to Russia's fight against separatists in Chechnya.

Here's some history on Chechnya, and to clear up any confusions from the start, yes, most Chechenians are Sunni Muslim, the country having converted to that faith between the 16th and the 18th century.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a group of Chechen leaders declared themselves to be the lawful government, announced a new parliament and declared independence as the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.

Chechen President Dzhokhar Dudayev declared area's independence in 1991. Russian troops invaded to oust Dudayev in December 1994, setting off 20-month war that killed up to 30,000, including Dudayev. Afterward, Chechnya was de facto independent and plunged into lawlessness. Fighting resumed in 1999, after raids by Chechen rebels into the neighboring region and bombings that killed some 300 at apartment buildings in Russian cities. Russian leaders blamed bombings on Chechens.

As of 2003, their independence is not recognized by any state; however, this declaration caused armed conflicts in which several rival Chechen groups and the Russian Federal army were involved, resulting in about 150,000 deaths in the period of 1994-2003 .

Here is a list of terror-related explosions in Russia since December 2002:

— May 9: A bomb rips through a stadium in the Chechen capital, Grozny, during a Victory Day ceremony, killing provincial President Akhmad Kadyrov, the Kremlin's point man for efforts to control separatist violence in the war-wracked region. As many as 24 people are killed. A Chechen warlord claimed responsibility.

— Feb. 6: Explosion rips through a subway car in the Moscow metro during rush hour, killing 41 people. Authorities suspect a terrorist attack.

— Dec. 9: Female homicide bomber blows herself up outside Moscow's National Hotel, across from the Kremlin and Red Square, killing five bystanders.

— Dec. 5: Homicide bombing on commuter train in southern Russia kills 44 people. President Vladimir Putin condemns attack as bid to destabilize the country two days before parliamentary elections.

— Sept. 16: Two homicide bombers drive a truck laden with explosives into a government security services building near Chechnya, killing three people and injuring 25.

— Aug. 1: Homicide bomber rams truck filled with explosives into a military hospital near Chechnya, killing 50 people, including Russian troops wounded in Chechnya.

— July 10: Russian security agent dies in Moscow while trying to defuse a bomb a woman had tried to carry into a cafe on central Moscow's main street.

— July 5: Double homicide bombing at a Moscow rock concert kills the female attackers and 15 other people.

— June 5: Female homicide attacker detonates bomb near a bus carrying soldiers and civilians to a military airfield in Mozdok, a major staging point for Russian troops in Chechnya, killing at least 16 people.

— May 14: Woman blows up explosives strapped to her waist in crowd of thousands of Muslim pilgrims, killing at least 18 people in an apparent attempt on the life of Chechnya's Moscow-backed chief administrator, Akhmad Kadyrov, now the region's president.

— May 12: Homicide truck-bomb attack kills at least 60 at a government compound in northern Chechnya.

— April 3: Passenger bus hits remote-controlled land mine in the Chechen capital, killing at least 8.


— Dec. 27: Homicide truck-bomb attack destroys headquarters of Chechnya's Moscow-backed government, killing 72 people.

Explosives Found in Russian Jet Wreckage

Where's the Evidence?

Hat tip to (The) Raphi:

The whole world seems to be eager to establish a new sovereign state called "Palestine" east of the Jordan River. In fact, much of the world already assumes that this state already exists, because there are so many references to it on maps, in brochures, on web sites and in reference books.

It is difficult to comprehend the enthusiasm for establishing this state, when there is no evidence that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is willing or able to join the family of nations as a responsible, democratic and peaceful state.

1. Where is the evidence that the PA is capable of holding free and democratic elections to establish a representative government?

2. Where is the evidence that the PA is capable of collecting taxes and distributing the funds appropriately where it is needed?

3. Where is the evidence that the PA can issue passports and visas in a responsible manner?

4. Where is the evidence that the PA can live in peaceful coexistence with its neighbors?

5. Where is the evidence that the PA will devote efforts to developing commerce, technology, and education to enhance the quality of life for its citizens?

6. Where is the evidence that the PA will respect the environment of its historically rich landscape?

7. Where is the evidence that the PA will respect the rights of all religions and ethnic groups living within its borders?

8. Where is the evidence that the PA will respect the religious, historical and archeological sites within its borders?

9. Where is the evidence that the PA can establish a responsible a police force that will promote peace and security among its citizens?

10. Where is the evidence that the PA can provide security for planes and ships entering and leaving its ports?

11. Where is the evidence that the PA can develop, import, and maintain munitions in a responsible manner?

12. Where is the evidence that the PA will respect and provide for the needs of children?

13. Where is the evidence that the PA can be accountable for the money that it receives and spends?

14. Where is the evidence that the PA government will attend to the needs of its citizens?

15. Where is the evidence that the PA can form a stable government with elected leaders that feel safe from assassination by insurgents?

16. Where is the evidence that the PA can contain Islamic militants and prevent them from drawing Israel and the USA into another Middle East war?

This list can go on and on, but there is only one answer. There is no evidence whatsoever that these things will occur in a state operated by the PA or any other Palestinian group. In fact, all the evidence available is to the contrary. A Palestinian state would become another uncivilized, barbaric, autocratic, corrupt, racist state, similar to 20 other Islamic states in that region.

Now that we know what's going on in Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya and Iraq, why is the world so eager to establish another state that could easily become another powder keg that would endanger world peace, stability and security? I have no answer to this.

Perhaps the wise men who promote the Geneva Understandings and other designs for a Palestinian state could explain this to me. I would really appreciate it, because I can't figure it out. Since I am a reasonably intelligent and educated person, there must be a lot of other people who don't understand this either. I think the UN, EU and other supporters of a Palestinian State need to provide us with some answers.

Where's the Evidence? by Israel Zwick

August 26, 2004

Italian Journalist Murdered by Mohammedans in Iraq

Folks, more bloodlust and murder from the fake religion of peace: an Arab television station said it has received a video showing the killing of Italian journalist Enzo Baldoni, who was kidnapped by - get this - "militants" - who threatened to execute him if Italy did not withdraw troops from Iraq.

The video received by Al Ja zee ra appeared to show Baldoni's killing, but the station declined to broadcast the footage out of sensitivity to its viewers.

Murder is no big deal for Mohammedans, as I like to call them; murder is as familiar to Mohammedans as grass is to the belly of a snake.

Italian Journalist Murdered by Mohammedans in Iraq

Symposium: The Islamic Reformation? by Jamie Glazov

Jamie Glazov documents an important interview with three guests: The Islamic Reformation?:

Prof. Khaleel Mohammed, Assistant Professor at the Department of Religious Studies at San Diego State University. He has sparked controversy within the Islamic community by arguing, as a Muslim himself, that the Koran says Israel belongs to the Jews; Kamal Nawash, the Founder and President of The Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism, which denounces all forms of fundamentalist Islamic terror and advocates an American no-tolerance stance on terrorism; and Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist who has become an ardent Zionist and evangelical Christian.

Read about the need for reform, and the possibilities, here: Symposium: The Islamic Reformation? by Jamie Glazov

EU Suddenly Opposes "Right of Return" by Steven Plaut

Folks, more proof of the EU's blatant hypocrisy when it comes to "Palestinians" and "right of return".

The "right of return" has been of interest in much of the world press in recent weeks, but this time - for a change - it is NOT the supposed "right" of Palestinians to return to Israel's lands.

The newest debate over the right of return concerns that of ethnic Germans, at least 15 million of whom were expelled from their homelands at the end of World War II. These have suddenly become a matter of interest (see for example the Wall Street Journal's "War Echo: Ousted by Poland in 1945, Germans Want Homes Back," Aug 11, 04) for the simple reason that many of the countries who expelled German refugees after World War II have become or are becoming full members of the EU.

There has arisen a wave of attempts by ethnic Germans expelled by these countries to use EU institutions to recover property or receive compensation, and in some cases possibly even to return to their former homes. Their chances of success are negligible. That is because the EU, led by Germany itself in this matter, is unalterably opposed to any "right or return" for ethnic Germans.

Yes, the same EU insists that "Palestinian refugees" have an inalienable right to return to Israeli lands do not think ethnic German refugees have such a right.

The very same world leaders and media commentators who insist Israel must compensate "Palestinians" and allow them to "return" to Israeli lands, the lands of that same Israel that has been the victim of Arab aggression and Fascism for almost six decades, cannot understand why these "Palestinian refugees" should become as much of a non-issue as are the ethnic German refugees from the late 1940s.

So what is the real reason the Euroclowns have no interest in any "right of return" for ethnic Germans, but demand one for "Palestinians"?


Granting such a right to ethnic Germans would not result in the demise of Israel, so the Europeans have no interest in it.

Read the entire article here: EU Suddenly Opposes "Right of Return" by Steven Plaut

Would-be female suicide bomber arrested in Nablus

Security forces operating in Nablus arrested overnight Wednesday a female Fatah fugitive who planned to carry out a suicide bomb attack in Israel, officials said. Security forces operating across the West Bank also arrested three other fugitives in raids in Tira al-Arabia, west of Jenin, Beit Dajan, east of Nablus and Daharia, southwest of Hebron.

Would-be female suicide bomber arrested in Nablus

August 25, 2004

Leslie Cagan and United for Peace and Justice

Folks, I am delighted that State Supreme Court Justice Jacqueline Silbermann has rejected a last-minute plea from anti-war activists who sued the city for a permit to hold a massive rally in Central Park the day before the Republican convention, saying they were too late. State Supreme Court Justice Jacqueline Silbermann ruled that United for Peace and Justice was "guilty of inexcusable and inequitable delay'' in bringing the case to court after months of back-and-forth negotiations over plans for their Sunday demonstration. Now, this group, led by the genderless Leslie Cagan, sued the city last week after pulling out of a deal to hold the rally on a west Manhattan highway. The event is expected to draw 250,000 people, which the Parks Department said would ruin the park's lawn.

Folks, Central Park is OUR great escape. It is a gorgeous getaway in this jungle of cement, asbestos dust, and Ground Zero. It is a place to fall in love, to run your dog, to toss a frisbee, to bask in sunshine, to ride a bike, to skateboard, to rollerskate, to have a picnic, to read a book, to forget about troubles; it is a place to get closer to G-d and His desire for us to know what Eden was like and what Life could be like. Yes, folks, THAT's what Central Park is to us New Yorkers. We love it, we treasure it, and believe it or not, we keep it clean. Central Park houses wildlife, various birds of prey, horse and buggys, a riding stable, a working old fashioned carousel, the Boathouse, Tavern on the Green, Alice in Wonderland statues, a skating rink, a zoo, a bandshell, and gosh, so much more.

Now what you need to know is this: United for Peace and Justice is a communist group, and communists always expect government handouts. In fact, United for Peace and Justice expected New York City to provide their doped up members with water bottles, bathroom johnnies, and other amenities - for free. Can you believe that?

Now, as you might not know, New York City has been in an economic tailspin, and fortunately we are seeing a wondrous economic recovery. And last year, in spite of our economic difficulties, New York City spent $2,000,000 to renew our great lawn in Central Park. Here is a picture of the Lawn with a magnificent view of the West Side:

NY City residents paid for the renovation of the Great Lawn with our hard work. Yes, our hard-earned dollars, because most of us work for a living, unlike the Leslie Cagan types, who expect government handouts to get by.

As you can see, the Parks Department had a valid reason to protest this demonstration by 250,000 anarchists because 250,000 anarchists would indeed trample the Great Lawn. This is not brain surgery folks, the picture is worth a thousand words.

If Leslie Cagan is dissappointed in the Supreme Court's decisions, and I heard her on the radio, she IS dissappointed, then I propose that the next time her group should offer to pay New York City $2,000,000 to RENT the Great Lawn. THAT would be fair. THAT amount of money would cover the costs of the salaries of the Parks Department and the Sanitation Department and the Police Department and the Fire Department's (because I do have nightmares of some anarchist scumbag setting something on fire in the park) salaries to clean up the mess that the anarchist losers would have left behind; the condoms, the needles, the styrofoam, the food wrappers and other waste by-products.

In February 11, 2003, John Perazzo, author of "The Myths that Divide Us", wrote the following about Leslie Cagan:

In short, Cagan candidly sides with Castro’s Communist regime rather than with
the United States, which she deems the world’s foremost terrorist nation. The Venceremos Brigades with which she proudly associated were in fact organized by Castro’s Cuban intelligence agency, which went so far as to train some "brigadistas" in guerrilla warfare techniques, including the use of arms and explosives. Cagan’s pro-Castro rallies were supported by such socialist organizations as Casa de las Americas, the Communist Party, the Socialist Workers Party, the Venceremos Brigades, the Workers World Party, and the Young Socialists. Cagan herself was an original founder of the Committees of Correspondence, a splinter group rooted in the Communist Party USA. Joining the chorus of her fellow leaders in the "peace" movement, she condemns what she calls America’s "daily assaults and attacks on poor and working people, on women, people of color, lesbians/gays and other sexual minorities, the disabled and so many others, [and] such foreign policy matters as . . . military actions and economic sanctions."

That, folks, is the accurate desription of Leslie Cagan and her communist groupies, and as John Perazzo describes them, "Their devotion to genuine peace is much like Yasser Arafat’s; they exploit the rhetoric of peace while working feverishly toward a very different agenda.


August 24, 2004

The most important time of the Jewish year is often the most misunderstood. Here's all the basics you need to know.

The High Holiday period actually begins in Elul, the Hebrew month preceding Rosh Hashana. Elul is an important period of introspection, of clarifying life's goals, and of coming closer to God. Because when the big day of Rosh Hashana comes, and each individual stands before the Almighty to ask for another year, we'll want to know what we're asking for!

During Elul, many people perform a daily cheshbon - a spiritual accounting -- where we step back and look at ourselves critically and honestly, with the intention of improving. In order to arouse us to this task, it is the Ashkenazi custom to blow the shofar every morning after prayers during the month of Elul.

Historically, this month has great significance, because it was on the first day of Elul that Moses -- following the sin of the Golden Calf -- ascended Mount Sinai to receive a new, second set of stone tablets. Forty days later -- on the seminal Yom Kippur -- Moses returned to the people with tablets in hand, signaling a repair of the breech between the Jewish people and God.

High Holiday preparations intensify on the Saturday night before Rosh Hashana, when we recite "Slichot," a special series of prayers that includes the powerful "13 Attributes of Mercy."


Rosh Hashana is the Jewish New Year, commemorating the creation of Adam and Eve, the first human beings. On Rosh Hashana, the Books of Life and Death are open on the heavenly desk. On this "Day of Judgment," we each stand before God and offer our best case for being "created anew" -- i.e. granted another year of life.
The morning before Rosh Hashana, we perform "Hatarat Nedarim" -- annulling all vows. This enables us to enter the new year with a clean slate.

The essential mitzvah of Rosh Hashana is to hear the sounding of the shofar.

The shofar blasts represent three distinct themes of the day:
It is the sound of the King's coronation
It is the sobbing cry of a Jewish heart
It is an alarm clock, arousing us from our spiritual slumber

The shofar is also mindful of the biblical story of Abraham binding his son Isaac, when a ram was caught in the thicket and sacrificed in Isaac's stead. We blow a ram's horn to recall the great act of faith in God performed by Abraham and Isaac; tradition records that this event occurred on the day of Rosh Hashana. The shofar is not blown when Rosh Hashana falls on Shabbat.

A central part of Rosh Hashana is the festive meal. During the High Holidays, a round challah is used -- symbolizing fullness and completion. We dip the bread into honey, and also an apple into honey, symbolizing our prayer for a sweet new year. On Rosh Hashana, we also eat a series of foods that symbolize good things we hope for in the coming year.

It is customary to greet others with the words: "L'shana Tova -- Ketivah vi-chatima Tova." This means: "For a good year -- You should be written and sealed in the good (Book of Life)."

The "Tashlich" prayer is said on the first afternoon of Rosh Hashana by a pool of water that preferably has fish in it. These prayers are symbolic of the casting away of our mistakes. When the first day of Rosh Hashana falls on Shabbat, it is said on the afternoon of the second day.

While the decision for "another year of life" is handed down on Rosh Hashana, the verdict is not "sealed" unto Yom Kippur. Therefore, the 10 days from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur are a crucial period when most peoples' judgment "hangs in the balance." During these "Ten Days of Repentance," we engage in intense introspection, and are particularly careful with our speech, actions, and mitzvah observance.


Following the Golden Calf, Moses pleaded with God to forgive the Jewish people. Finally, on Yom Kippur, atonement was achieved and Moses brought the second set of Tablets down from Mount Sinai. From that day forward, every Yom Kippur has carried with it a special power to cleanse the mistakes of Jews (both individually and collectively) and to wipe the slate clean.

Yom Kippur is thus the holiest day of the Jewish year. In order to help us achieve a high spiritual level, there are five areas of physical involvement which we remove ourselves from on Yom Kippur:
eating and drinking
applying oils or lotions to the skin
marital relations
wearing leather shoes

The Yom Kippur fast begins at sundown, and extends 25 hours until the following nightfall. Though Yom Kippur atones for transgressions against God, this does not include wrongs committed against our fellow human beings. It is therefore the universal Jewish custom -- sometime before Yom Kippur -- to apologize and seek forgiveness from any friends, relative, or acquaintances whom we may have harmed or insulted over the past year.

The High Holidays are followed five days later by Sukkot, a holiday of immense joy, where we express our complete trust in God, and celebrate our confidence in having received a "good judgment" for the coming year.

Revisionism and Mendacity: A Self-Portrait of Palestinian Society

In a vulgar distortion of history, the PA media often compare the Palestinian situation to the suffering of the Jews in the Holocaust. The PA's latest propaganda film about "refugees" draws on a well-known image from Holocaust history -- dead Jews hanging over barbed wire -- and restages it with false images of Palestinians hanging from barbed wire. Here is an authentic Holocaust photo and here is a staged Palestinian Authority TV photo.

These shocking visual images are combined with numerous messages of political indoctrination, geared particularly towards youth. First and foremost is the denial of Israel's right to exist. The essence of the program is that all of Israel is occupied "Palestine," stolen from the "refugees," and that the "refugees" have never forgotten and will "return." A young child talks of his "return," saying that although he is the fourth generation, he has not forgotten his roots in the land, and will return by his "blood." The recurring theme is, "We will surely return."

This program has been broadcast four times in recent months. [PATV four times, May-August 2004]

Background: History of the "refugee" issue as a political tool

During Israel's War of Independence, hundreds of thousands of Arabs left for neighboring Arab countries. Most left after encouragement from Arab leaders, who thought it would help the war effort. [Click here to see documentation of this from PMW video archives.]

Most of the Arabs ended up in UN refugee camps. To this day, the hosting Arab countries have used various laws, including those prohibiting land and business ownership, to prevent the original refugees and their descendants from becoming permanent citizens. These laws, and the desire to use the issue of "refugee suffering" as a political tool against Israel, have in fact caused the continued suffering for the camp residents and their descendants.Palestinian Authority (PA) propaganda accuses Israel of expelling all the "refugees," and blames Israel for their continued suffering. Instead of calling for solutions to the problems in the countries in which these people were born and reside, the PA demands that Israel absorb the remaining original refugees and millions of their descendants.

Excerpts from the new film on PATV: Click here to see 2 minutes of the broadcast.

The following are text excerpts from the program:

"On this planet there is a land called Palestine [image on screen of map of Israel]. From this land a nation was uprooted, named the nation of Palestine, which gave the earth its green color and built houses from its clay, and created the homeland and the memory. But the force of oppression [pictures of Israeli leaders Dayan and Sharon] was still dividing the world by its whim and setting it aflame whenever it chose. Thus, it was the cursed promise, the Balfour promise, which promised a homeland with a nation to others without a homeland. The occupation and the expulsion occurred, yet a fate unknown, until a time unknown. This is the story of the refugees....."

The poet, Iz A-Din Manasra: "The state of Israel was founded on the basis of massacre and expulsion; in other words, the transfer. Since the year of '48 and later in '67 -- now they weave plans for the transfer. This Israeli mentality is based on the principle of massacre and expulsion."

Abla Abu-Abla, Director of refugee studies, Jordan: "Many of the Palestinian families still keep the keys to their homes. This is the key to our home in Jaffa, this is the key to our home in Haifa, this is the key to our home in Acre. Ask any boy you wish, which city are you from? Whoever you wish, ask any boy in any city -- he will answer you, Acre, Haifa -- in other words, he belongs temporarily to the place where he lives, the place in which he is a refugee, but he belongs in his inner knowledge, in his source and roots to the place he was expelled from."

Headline: "There is no escaping the fact that one day we shall return"

Ahmad Yussuf: "The right of return is a right that is not negotiable, in addition to it being a collective and personal right. No one is allowed to surrender it, no matter if he is in a political leadership position nor if he is a member of our Palestinian nation."

Singer: "If you expel us, or imprison us with borders, one day we will surely return. [Image of UN resolution 194, the 'right' of return, being shot down by soldier]. One day we will surely return. If you imprison us with borders, one day we will surely return. We shall never forget. One day we will surely return. One day we will surely return. The youth do not know Haifa, Jaffa, Acre, the Galilee, the [Galilee] Triangle, and the Negev. They believe that the Palestinian is born with the right of return together with mother's milk."

Boy: "Once I read a book, written by an Israeli. He wrote: 'The first generation [of refugees] is dying, the second is dying, the third is weakening, the fourth is forgetting.' I want to tell him, I am a fourth generation, and I have not forgotten. I have a dream to reach Dier Yassin [West Jerusalem]. Though it is my dream, I can achieve it with my blood, only to return to Dier Yassin. One day we will surely return."

Reprinted from Palestinian Media Watch.

Muslims take credit for arson attack on Jewish centre in Paris

Folks, as you know, a Jewish social centre in central Paris was destroyed by fire on Sunday in an anti-Semitic arson attack. The premises were set on fire around 4.00 am.

Now, acording to Assist News Service, a previously unknown group of members of the fake religion of peace has claimed responsibility for an arson attack on a Jewish centre in Paris, in a statement posted on an Islamist website Sunday. Here's what the Mohammedans posted:

"A group of young mujahedeen (fighters) ... have torched the Jewish temple in Paris at 4:00 am Paris time," said the Arabic statement posted in the name of the Jamaat Ansar Al-Jihad al-Islamiya (Group of the Holy Islamic War Supporters). The claim could not be independently verified.

The group said the attack was "in response to racist acts by Jews in France against Islam and the Muslims and the desecration of Muslim cemeteries by Jews." "It is also meant ... as a simple response to the racist and savage acts by Jews in Muslim countries like Palestine and other Muslim and Arab countries," it said.

It said such "acts are carried out by the descendents of monkeys and pigs, with the help of the French government which stands idle before the Jews at the expense of the Muslims in France."

Police found swastikas daubed in red ink on two fridges inside and poorly spelled anti-Semitic slogans. France is home to Europe's biggest Jewish and Muslim communities, estimated at 650,000 and five million respectively, out of an overall population of 60 million.


August 22, 2004

Others agree that John Kerry is the worst choice for President

Folks, John Kerry is unfit for command, no matter how you slice it. The fact is that there is little discussion about what his qualifications for the presidency really are. Serving in Vietnam for three or four months doesn't qualify for anything. What has he done as Senator in 19 years? Thousands feel the same way as I do:

Michael Pacer, in a letter to Joseph Farah:

"I don't want Kerry to lose because he based his presidential race on his bogus war record. I want him to lose because he is the most liberal senator in Washington. I want the American people to understand that this man is more liberal (read socialist) than Teddy Kennedy or Hillary Clinton. He is a weak-kneed Massachusetts liberal that has consistently voted to undermine our national security, the military and the CIA, and will drag this country down into the dirt. His presidency will be as disastrous as that of Jimmy Carter, socially, economically and in foreign policy. Under his steady hand, we will return to a time of sensitivity in the face of homicidal terrorism, a time of greater social programs, when the money should be spent on national defense, and a greater dependence on the United Nations in making our foreign policy decisions. Sure, that'll work. If John Kerry wins, our enemies will be celebrating worldwide because they will know that we have lost the will to fight. Then God help us all!"

Ken Swick writes about the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party:

"Why do the Democrats expect to get a free ride with Michael Moore, Spielberg, Martin Sheen, Whoopie, Bono, Springstein, Striesand,, and the ever-expanding realm of free campaigning and propaganda produced by "their" machines while demanding that the Republicans stop decorated Vietnam veterans, who have every right to expound on the subject of the Vietnam War, from expressing their strongly held views about what occurred there? They earned the right to comment. The Democrats certainly don't seem to mind positive comments about Kerry's action there! Are we to understand that positive comments are fine while negative comments are not acceptable? Why do the Democrats seem to think it was proper that Republicans did not disrupt their convention while they are planning major disruptions during the Republican convention, a la Michael Moore (their personal attack dog) and other planned events? Why do they think it is proper for them to campaign during the Republican convention, breaking with years of campaign tradition, while the Republicans did not do so during their convention? There are major differences between the two parties: Big government vs. small government, taxation vs. lowering taxes, socialism vs. individual responsibility to name a few. "

Harold Reimann says it best:

"John Kerry got three Purple Hearts in 90 days of combat in Vietnam. He didn't stay a day in the hospital. My hero, George Patton, got his nose broken three times and an arm broken twice just playing football for West Point. He received a Purple Heart in World War I by almost dying from machinegun fire.

John Kerry opted to go home after three Purple Hearts and four months of duty (one month in training). George Patton ... took tank training from the French in World War I, then trained our men and led them. After the war he wanted Congress to build tanks but they didn't listen until the blitz.

Between the wars he learned to fly and led the way in light-plane flight observation of the battlefield. You know what he did in World War II. Maybe you didn't know that after the Germans were defeated, he volunteered to fight in the Pacific. Can you imagine MacArthur and Patton together?

George Patton had a son named after him who graduated from West Point several days after he died. He fought with honor in Korea and Vietnam. He died last month and the Boston Globe reported that Patton II said Kerry's anti-war action "gave aid and comfort to the enemy and probably caused some of my guys to get killed."

Folks, if Gd Forbid, John Kerry wins this election, I will change the color of this blog to BLACK, because I will be in mourning for the Late Great United States of America. And I will be in mourning not because Mohammedans will have blown up our country, which they certainly will once Kerry is elected, but I will be in mourning because the majority of Americans are left-leaning tree-hugging godless dumbasses, who have already lost their moral compasses, and were stupid enough to vote for John Kerry.

Noah's Ark discovered?

Has Noah's Ark been found? Two people think so and two different geographical sites are in contention.

One believer is Daniel McGivern, who received worldwide publicity in early spring when he announced he was planning a July expedition up Turkey's Mt. Ararat to investigate what was spotted in high-resolution satellite images taken last year at the height of a record-warm summer. McGivern's planned expedition up Ararat has still not taken place for one simple reason – lack of permission from Turkey. According to, the U.S. Air Force took the first photographs of the Mt. Ararat site in 1949. The images allegedly revealed what seemed to be a structure covered by ice, but were held for years in a confidential file labeled "Ararat Anomaly."

Meanwhile, there are others who believe Noah's Ark has already been found, and tourists can actually visit it on a mountain next to Ararat. Ross Patterson, a computer programmer from Whangarei, New Zealand, is among those who think that way, and he's now preparing his own expedition there by October. The 40-year-old Christian has twice been to the site located near Dogubayazit, Turkey. "I believe this is Noah's Ark," Patterson tells WorldNetDaily.

Patterson looks to add weight to research by the likes of the late Ron Wyatt, whose Tennessee-based foundation, Wyatt Archaeological Research, purports the ark is indeed at Dogubayazit, some 12-15 miles from Ararat, noting the book of Genesis states the ark rested "upon the mountains of Ararat," not mountain.

Wyatt's website is filled with on-location photographs and charts promoting its case with physical evidence including radar scans of bulkheads on the alleged vessel, deck timber and iron rivets, large "drogue" stones which are thought to have acted as types of anchors, and even some animal hair inside, possibly from a large cat like a lion or tiger.

Patterson is hoping to work with Dr. Salih Bayraktutan, a geology expert at Turkey's Ataturk University who has conducted previous research at the site. He's also invited biblical researcher Dr. Lennart Moller of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm on his journey to Turkey. Moller is the author of "The Exodus Case," and is among those who say there are chariot wheels and other human debris on an underwater land bridge in the Gulf of Aqaba portion of the Red Sea. The book of Exodus says the Red Sea is where God parted the water and drowned the army of ancient Egypt in pursuit of the Israelites.

Despite Patterson's staunch belief about the ark being at Dogubayazit, there's been no shortage of critics from both scientific and Christian circles who think the site is erroneous. Lorence Collins, a retired geology professor from California State University, Northridge, joined the late David Fasold, a one-time proponent of the Wyatt site, in writing a scientific summary claiming the location is "bogus." "Evidence from microscopic studies and photo analyses demonstrates that the supposed Ark near Dogubayazit is a completely natural rock formation," said the 1996 paper published in the Journal of Geoscience Education. "It cannot have been Noah's Ark nor even a man-made model. It is understandable why early investigators falsely identified it."
"They sold a bill of goods at the time," adds McGivern in Hawaii, "but it has developed a cottage industry."

Noah's Ark discovered?

Related stories:
Satellite photos spark Noah's Ark trek
CIA releases new 'Noah's Ark' documents
Noah's Ark? Or elaborate fraud?
Raiders of the lost Ark
In search of Noah's Ark
Pharaoh's chariots found in Red Sea?
Real-life raiders hunt Ark of the Covenant
Sunday, holy Sunday?
Christmas in America becomes battleground

Keep on talking, Teresa

Folks, even Teresa Heinz-Kerry doesn't think her own husband, John Kerry, is qualified to be president. That's what she told Reader's Digest during an interview. There you have it, folks, straight out of the horse's mouth.

Let's hope Teresa keeps on talking - she'll do wonders for Bush's poll numbers.

Kerry, the cry-baby, urges Bush to stop attack ads

Folks, John Kerry is a cry-baby. In East Hampton, NY, on Saturday night, Kerry urged President Bush to "stand up and stop" what he called personal attacks on him over his combat record in Vietnam.

Ok, Kerry, you sniveling little pissant. We'll stop calling you a liar when your online communication guru, Zach Exley of, apologizes for comparing my President Bush to Adolph Hitler.

Shawn Macomber wrote about Zach Exley here, and excerpts from Shawn's article appear below: (I posted this article a few months ago, if it seems familiar to you.)

Folks, John Kerry, the ultra-left, morally hideous "Democratic" nominee for the Presidency, hired a lefty pit-bull, Zach Exley, away from and has tasked him with lording over Kerry's campaign's online communications.

Folks, Zach Exley, a 23 year-old, is responsible for the website, which mostly made unsubstantiated claims about the Republican presidential candidate’s alleged cocaine use.

Exley steadfastly refuses to apologize for even the most vile ads posted on his watch at Exley would not repudiate the now infamous spot comparing Bush to Adolf Hitler, an ad even über-leftist Michael Moore rejected. Asked whether he understood why Republicans might find the comparison in poor taste, Exley dismissed the furor as, “typical Republican bullsh-t.”

Bush tried, and failed, to have the FEC bring a complaint against Exley. Instead, Exley received loads of favorable international press and became an instant celebrity.

Kerry's intern, 27-year old journalist Alexandra Polier, who Kerry denies having an affair with, was also an instant celebrity, but the left-loving media has made sure that the public has forgotten about her.

Exley then organized another site,, the sole mission of which was to “question the legitimacy of a Bush presidency, due to disenfranchisement and disregard for the will of the people.”

CounterCoup is no parody site, however. Toggling through the pages one will find material more than vaguely threatening. For example, one page shows a devil on the ground, a broadsword-wielding angel preparing to behead him. The devil is labeled, “Bush Coup,” while the sword the angel sports is christened, “The Spirit of Democracy.” Another box displays a picture of a screaming, lynch mob with the caption, “Sometimes Democracy Requires More Than Voting.”

Just in case the radical content of the site has left you with any question over the political leanings of Mr. Exley, he posts a prominent link to a conspiracy theory-laden article on the World Socialist Website, declaring it a “must read.”

The integrity of John Kerry is reflected in his staff: several months ago, Exley took a two-week leave of absence from his position as Director of Special Projects at to rewire campaign software over at the Dean campaign headquarters, a move Dean’s opponents decried as unsavory at the time.

It will be interesting to see how Exley’s well-documented hate-America attitude jives with the Kerry campaigns desperate rush for the center and the crucial independent voters. In a commentary on last year, Exley urged his fellow Democrats to “reject false, jingoistic patriotism.”

Folks, if Kerry has hired Zach Exley, who urges his fellow Democrats to “reject false, jingoistic patriotism,” then you can bet Kerry also rejects patriotism.

Since when did protecting one's country become a bad thing? And when did bravery, self sacrifice and courage to complete an ugly task that needs to be done become things to avoid, if not downright shameful?

The Exley hire, of course, also raises new questions about whether Kerry’s campaign is coordinating with, which is strictly outlawed under the current campaign finance regime. The group has already spent more than $17 million on anti-Bush ads, with plans to spend much, much more.

Kerry, the cry-baby, Urges Bush to Stop Attack Ads

August 20, 2004

How Arafat's Gunmen Suppress the News

Suppressing news by threatening reporters with violence or death is one of the dirty little secrets of Middle East journalism.

Read Jeff Jacoby's article here.

Good news at the polls, folks: Kerry ain't doing so good and rightly so

The closeness of the race for the White House comes as polls offered the first hint that the questioning of Kerry's medal-winning service in the Vietnam War — allegations that he strongly condemned this week as lies — were taking a political toll.

One poll found that more than half the voters questioned had seen or heard of an ad by Swift Boat Veterans For Truth that accuses Kerry of lying about events that earned him five medals in Vietnam a generation ago. The University of Pennsylvania's National Annenberg Election Survey also found that 44 percent of self-described independent voters found the ad very or somewhat believable.

Separately, a CBS poll found a sharp drop in Kerry's support among both veterans and a smaller erosion among independents since the end of the Democratic Convention.

Kerry Aims to Counter Impact of Criticism

The Road to Jenin - A film by Pierre Rehov

Folks, I've mentioned this before: Pierre Rehov's film, "The Road to Jenin" reveals the true story of the events of Jenin in April 2002 during Operation Defensive Shield. In this film, Pierre Rehov addresses the Palestinian false accusations. This enlightening documentary establishes clearly how false claims of a massacre committed by Israelis in Jenin were planned in advance. Furthermore, the documentary shows how the international community was wronged by a Palestinian scheme.

In the opening scene, see the bloody terrorist bombing of Netanya on Passover Seder which killed more than 20 Israeli civilians. Some men attempt to wash away the river of blood. A woman has lost her husband, her daughter and her son-in-law. In order to put an end to a chain of terrorist violence, the Israeli government launches Operation Defensive Shield.

Interwoven interviews and archive footage recount the events of the battle of Jenin - soldiers slide through narrow streets, facing enemy fire. The fighting is harsh.

In the last section of the film, the film director, Pierre Rehov, travels to Jenin to interview Palestinians to get their side of the story - but Palestinian are caught in their own lies. For instance, a Palestinian journalist is caught staging a woman giving birth at a checkpoint. A Palestinian doctor shows a wing of the hospital that is suppose to have been destroyed by Israelis. Despite the tense atmosphere and the constant danger, Israeli soldiers assist Palestinians civilians. One soldier opens a can of food for an old lady who blesses him. A few other soldiers bring boxes of food to a Palestinian family and children.

According to the U.N., the Palestinians losses amount to 52 -- 40 of whom were fighters; whereas the Israeli Army, Tsahal, lost 23 soldiers. Not even close to the Palestinians' accusation of a massacre.

The film is available for you to purchase for only $24.99 from ShopNetDaily.

Arm yourselves with facts, folks. I have no doubt that wrongfully blaming Sharon, as is the Palestinian tradition, rather than admit that it was Christian Phalangist units which entered Sabra and Shatilla camps and murdered 800 people in revenge for the assassination of Lebanon's president-elect Bashir Jemayel, is also another glaring example of the Palestinian tradition to scheme, weasel, lie, and fabricate.

Read more about Sabra and Shatilla here.

The Road to Jenin - A film by Pierre Rehov

U.S. Indicts 3 Suspected Hamas Members

Folks, three members of the fake "religion of peace" - a Hamas leader and two other suspected members of the Palestinian murderous group of thugs were indicted on charges they participated in a lengthy racketeering conspiracy to provide money for terrorist acts in Israel, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced today.

As you know, folks, Hamas glows with pride for taking credit for dozens of suicide bombings in Israel - the ones that kill innocent men, women and children.

The indicted include Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook, formerly chief and now deputy chief of the Hamas political bureau is believed to be living in Damascus, Syria, and is considered a fugitive. The two others — Muhammad Hamid Khalil Salah of Chicago and Abdelhaleem Hasan Abdelraziq Ashqar of Alexandria, Va. — were arrested late Thursday night. Salah once worked as a substitute teacher in Chicago public schools.

The lawyer for Ashqar, Ashraf Nubani, called the indictment "politically motivated." Boo-hoo. Slice me an onion, I think I'm gonna cry. Folks - this is the second major Hamas-related indictment announced by the Justice Department in the past month.

Doesn't it just give you the warm fuzzies when you know that these muslim snakes come into our country, encroach on our freedoms and hospitality, douse themselves in our educational system, camoflage themselves in our neighborhoods while murdering non-muslims in other countries?

Check this out:

The U.S.-educated Abu Marzook holds a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and lived in the United States for 15 years, in Louisiana and Virginia. In 1995, he was detained by U.S. authorities on suspicion of involvement in terrorism. He was expelled to Jordan, and later sent by Jordan to Syria.

Salah returned to the Chicago area and has said he volunteered at the Quranic Literacy Institute as a computer analyst. In 2002, he applied for a job as a part-time lecturer on computer systems at City Colleges of Chicago's Olive-Harvey College, but he was fired in 2003 for failing to disclose the Israel conviction.

Salah also worked for a time as a substitute teacher for the Chicago Public Schools and was removed from the list of approved substitutes at the same time he was fired by Olive-Harvey College.

Ashqar was accused of opening bank accounts in Mississippi for Hamas purposes.

Last month, a major American muslim charity and seven of its senior officers were charged with illegally funneling millions of dollars to support Hamas.
The 42-count indictment unsealed in Dallas alleges the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development used its tax-exempt status to masquerade as a legitimate charity while most of its money was going to individuals and organizations linked to Hamas.

Yessiree, Islam, the "religion of peace". Makes you just wanna puke.

U.S. Indicts 3 Suspected Hamas Members

August 19, 2004

Terrorists' Right To Work

Folks, you gotta read this article by Shawn Macomber up over at FrontPage Magazine about the ACLU's inexplicable refusal to check it's potential employee list against terrorist watch lists, as required by the Combined Federal Campaign, which donates half a million dollars a year to the ACLU. Here are a couple random paragraphs:

"Essentially, the ACLU is being asked to not hire those who seek to murder large numbers of Americans. Perhaps it should surprise us that the ACLU is reluctant to agree to such a request. Sadly, it is not. But even the radicals over at the ACLU know how this must sound to the average American and are using all sorts of permutations to attempt to make it more palatable.

For example, in a recent ACLU press release on the matter the group contended that the terrorism watch lists were a sham because they had pulled a single name from the list—Julio Ramirez--and found hundreds of people across the nation with the same name. "Any non-profit that employs a Julio Ramirez would now be obligated to ask potentially intrusive questions about his personal life and beliefs," the ACLU lectures.

If you aren't a terrorist, is it really going to be such a big deal to go ahead and say you aren't one? Does saying you do not, in fact, want to murder Americans sound like too much of a "loyalty oath" for the folks over at the ACLU? If a certain six foot eight, bearded man applied for a position at the ACLU, would it be too much to ask Anthony Romero to inquire as to whether the Osama before him was one and the same with the Osama currently sought in the mass murder of September 11? Or would that be "potentially intrusive"?"

Here's the rest of Shawn's article.

Zola Levitt

Folks, Zola Levitt Ministries is a Christian ministry run by a terrific guy named Zola Levitt, who was born Jewish but who has since become a Christian. Ignoring that fact for now, I must emphasize to you how pro-Israel Zola Levitt is. His show appears every Monday morning on TBN, every Sunday evening on FAM, and every Wednesday morning on PAX. Thirty minutes of Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity. Here's his schedule:

TBN: Monday — 8:00 AM Eastern Time, 7:00 AM Central Time, 6:00 AM Mountain Time, 5:00 AM Pacific Time

FAM: Sunday evenings — 1:00 AM both coasts, Midnight Central Time, 11:00 PM or 2:00 AM Mountain Time

PAX: Thursday mornings — 9:30 AM both coasts, 8:30 AM Mountain and Central Time

INSP: Wednesday — 6:30 AM & 8:30 PM Eastern Time, 5:30 AM & 7:30 PM Central Time, 4:30 AM & 6:30 PM Mountain Time, 3:30 AM & 5:30 PM Pacific Time

If you miss one of his episodes, you can watch it on your computer over the internet.

I'm telling you, folks, Zola Levitt's show is one of the most important educational shows about Israel on television. Zola Levitt is usually stateside but every few weeks he reports from Israel. Typically his guests who enthusiatically appear on his weekly show are fundamental to understanding the Israel-arab conflict; recently he had Dr. Ergun Caner and Walid Shoebat appear. Check out my sidebar for a video of an interview with Dr. Ergun Caner, a Muslim who has converted to Christianity.

Israeli JEWISH birthrates on the rise

Arutz Sheva News Service,


Contrary to most demographic predictions regarding the population statistics of Israel, a revolution of sorts is underway in the Jewish Israeli birthrate. According to a Health Ministry report, the Jewish Israeli birthrate is on the rise, while the Arab Israeli birthrate remains unchanged.

In Israel of 2003, 144,625 babies were born, representing an increase of 3.4% over 2002. A breakdown of the statistics reveals that the Jewish population saw an increase of 4.8% and the Arab population saw no change.

In addition, the Health Ministry reported, there was a notable decline in infant mortality in 2003. During the year, 718 newborns died, representing 4.96 deaths per every thousand live births. In 2002, the statistic was 5.5 per every thousand. Infant mortality among Arabs is double that among Jews. The most common cause of infant mortality for all populations is premature birth.

An arab admits Zionism has nothing to do with arab violence

Arutz Sheva News Service,


The journalist and former Kuwaiti Communications Minister, Dr. Sa'ad Bin-Tafla, said that violent tendencies in Arab culture have deep roots and are not a product of the conflict with Zionism.

"I believe we are all responsible for this culture and Zionism and Imperialism have no part in it," Bin-Tafla declared in a recent interview with Jordanian television, "It is incorrect to say that violence is the result of the occupation. The French occupation left Algeria after a million victims fell, and then 100,000 Algerians were slaughtered by other Algerians, in the name of Islam, within less than ten years. That is to say, sadly, more than even Israel could have killed during the period of the intifada. This violence has cultural roots, unconnected to the occupation....

"The number of killed in Algeria and those killed by other Arab regimes is greater than the number of Palestinians killed by Israel..." the former Kuwaiti minister explained, adding, "There is a culture of violence that existed before the Americans arrived in Iraq and the Gulf, and even before the Israeli occupation in Palestine; before the American occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq."

Bin-Tafla stated, "the slaughter, the destructive abuse, the anarchy and the bloodshed do not approach in any way the legal definition of Jihad or resistance. It is anarchy and terrorism and is indicative of frustration and a culture of collective suicide reminiscent of whales [which beach themselves]. Such a culture stems from objective and personal reasons."

Bin-Tafla traces the source of much of the frustration among Arab youth to "an extremist religious stream" in the Islamic world. "It tells [the youth], 'You must achieve one of two things - martyrdom or victory,'" the Kuwaiti journalist explained, "It prettifies the culture of violence and describes it as resistance and Jihad."

Bin-Tafla also lays the blame on the Arab media: "Unfortunately, many in television, radio and print media... pushed these youth towards frustration and caused them to die needlessly, killing others with them, and to divide the world into black and white."

Israel Referendum

Over time, IsraPundit has reported about several pro-Israel initiatives. Among these, the Israel Referendum is the most ambitious. Seeking at least 1,000,000 signatures to submit to President Bush and the Congress in the first week of October, the referendum, jointly sponsored by Americans for a Safe Israel and the Global Israel Alliance reads:

“The U.S. government, together with Russia, Europe, and the United Nations, is pursuing a policy that will form a Palestinian state within the Israeli territories of Gaza, Judea and Samaria. This policy will require the expulsion of thousands of Jews from their homes. This referendum seeks to assess your support for (Yes) or opposition to (No) a Palestinian state in the Land of Israel.

"Do you support the creation of a PLO state in the Land of Israel?"

Since the Referendum’s inception, several non-Christian individuals and groups, both in the US and throughout the world, have demanded that they too be included, so the Israel Referendum is now open to all, even though the emphasis on US Christians remains in place.

We encourage our readers to sign the on-line petition at:

August 18, 2004

I must say, I am tempted

I must say, I am tempted. Yes, folks, I definitely am intrigued at the thought. See, folks, I've received a few emails over the past year from some loyal readers - not many mind you - but a quantitative handful - who have expressed some interest in hearing more about what I have to say on other subjects other than Israel.

I must admit that I don't think that anything I have to say on other topics other than Israel or the upcoming election would be of any interest to readers. I have hardly carved out a tiny niche (albeit a Flappy Bird niche, according to TruthLaidBear) on this pro-Israel blog and this site is already one year old. However, I am open-minded and have been known to break under pressure when someone waves a Hostess chocolate cupcake and a huge glass of milk in front of me.

So, having been waved at, I have decided that every now and then I will write a bit here and there about me, my passions, my irks, my desires. I will always remain anonymous, because I have family, and to my closest friends (DRG and Havdala), I would even enjoy trading first names, but - I can not. See, I receive more hate mail than tell-us-more-about-yourself mail, and I would rather that readers and surfers find the truth about the legitimacy of Israel, moreso than that I have asthma. Which I do. Which I never had before until I was recently diagnosed. As recently as this week.

Other readers know that I have a father who is in a nursing home, suffering horribly with Alzheimers. My dad is 80. He was - is - a great man. A loving father, devoted, hard-working, who loved to laugh and make others laugh. Now a disease makes him cry. Or wince. He winces and cries all the time. In the for-profit-only stinkhouse of a "nursing" home that he lives in now, he is dumbed-down with anti-psychotic drugs because he has gotten aggressive. Now my dearest father lays in a stupor - hallucinating in and out and between crying jags. When I saw him last, he saw me, recognized me and cried. I gasped and wept. I didn't stop crying for the three hours I was with him. I cry even now writing this.

The day that my mother, brother and I admitted my dad to the nursing home was one of the saddest days of my life. I equate that painful event with the same regret, sadness, and heartache as I ever felt whenever I had to put down my beloved dogs when they became sick and cancered. Leaving my dad unto the care of strangers whose only loyalty was to their union card was traumatic for me.

When I was little, my dad was the one who made me my school lunch. For five years he painted jelly and cream cheese sandwiches onto Wonder Bread and threw in a two-pack of Yodels and a Thermos of milk. And he did it with love and dedication. And when I had a school closing, I would go with my dad into his office in the city, where he was a salesman. A Willy Loman. He even arranged to take me into his office which overlooked Macy's and there we saw the Thanksgiving Parade from his 5th floor office and I could almost touch the balloons. And when Santa arrived on his sled as the last parade event? I was in heaven. I mean, here I was with my Dad, my hero, at his office watching the Parade live and loud and real and Santa up close and red and white and bearded. It was a wonderful day, a wonderful time.

I hope my Dad forgives me.

I hope my Dad knows how much I love him.

I hope you will all donate to Alzheimer's research.

And to my readers, I remain true, loyal and dedicated and I want to thank each of you for urging me along.

August 16, 2004

"Bridget's" self-righteous indignation

Folks, my regular readers already know this but to repeat it for my new readers, I have a notice in my sidebar that I reserve the right to publish e-mails and other text sent to me or placed here by readers of this blog, and these texts include emails, posts, commentaries, and replies to posts regarding and referencing Smooth Stone.

I have never opted to exercise this right that I have reserved because I never thought that, except for the love letters I had received from Debbie Fink, that my readers would be interested in an email volley of really rather ordinary email bitching.

Tonite, however, is not an ordinary nite. Tonite, I have chosen to reproduce my reply to a post from "Bridget". "Bridget" has taken exception to my criticism of Teresa Heinz Kerry and the untoward contributions made by Teresa Heinz Kerry to the elusive Tides Foundation. "Bridget" sought out Smooth Stone, only heaven knows how, and, with self-righteous indignation, had the audacity to tell me that I am no friend of Israel for posting a rumor.

Little does "Bridget" know that she might as well be a bug on my windshield, because no one can tell me that Smooth Stone is no friend of Israel:

Here is my original post and, "Bridget", who hails from the United Kingdom, posted the following comment:

The information about Tides Foundation and Tides Center at the Capital Research Center's web site is false. Please do your readers a favor and research the facts before you post rumors and slander: The CRC is not a reliable source for facts. They make you look bad when you choose them as your source for false rumors. U.S. citizens need accurate information so they can select a government that works for them instead of for large corporations. Be a good neighbor and don't spread false rumors. Israel needs better friends, too.
Rather a rude response from a stranger who spent no more than three and a half minutes here, don't you think, folks?

Here is my response to "Bridget":

Teresa Heinz Kerry has financed the secretive Tides Foundation to the tune of more than $4 million over the years. The Tides Foundation, a “charity” established in 1976 by antiwar leftist activist Drummond Pike, distributes millions of dollars in grants every year to political organizations advocating far-Left causes. The Tides Foundation and its closely allied Tides Center, which was spun off from the Foundation in 1996 but run by Drummond Pike, distributed
nearly $66 million in grants in 2002 alone. In all, Tides has distributed more than $300 million for the Left. These funds went to rabid antiwar demonstrators, anti-trade demonstrators, domestic Islamist organizations, pro-terrorists legal groups, environmentalists, abortion partisans, extremist homosexual activists and open border activists. Regardless of the activities of the Tides Foundation, what's more important is that my readers know that you, my dear "Bridget", spent no more than three and one half minutes on my website, visiting from the United
Kingdom, and you proceed to dare to judge me and how I might be spreading false rumors on Teresa Heinz Kerry. Who the hell do you think you are? What are YOUR credentials? I have devoted several years of my life to defending the sovereign and legitimate nation of Israel against European Socialists like you, and typically you think you could tell me how to defend Israel in a three and a half minute visit to my site. Well you're a lackey, "Bridget". Heaven only knows who
you work for. If YOU had any integrity, you would have read my site and corroborated my sources and you would have learned that everything you see on this site is corroborated by more than one source. How dare you post here with some dim-witted self-righteous indignation that you know what's better for the United States and Israel moreso than Americans and Israelis. Do me a favor - get lost and go crap on someone else's doorstep. You make yourself look bad. If all you can bring to the table is Maxwell King's defense of his company's behavior, that you're more an idiot than you realize. Israel has a good friend in Smooth Stone. On the other hand, snobby elitist cowards like John Kerry, who didn't even mention Israel in his "acceptance" speech at the DNC, is not. Do give my "regards" to Debbie Fink, another European socialist komrade of yours, I'm sure you know of her porcine existence. I await your further righteous indignation.

Stay tuned, folks; I suspect "Bridget" won't take criticism as well as I do and I promise to reproduce the darling "Bridget's" reply in its entirety.


August 15, 2004

More on the Olympics

Folks, now it's the Olympics. A lot of peace and love. Yeah, riiiight. Nobody is watching the Olympics, not in the stands, and not on TV - ratings are down 11%. Hey, Katie Couric, the numbers are going down. According to Matt Drudge, Katie Couric had to ask some athletes to do fashion poses, just to try to get audiences interested. And, now Arash Miresmaeili, who is refusing to compete against an Israeli athlete, Ehud Vaks, yesterday, said he would not fight a "Zionist" and that he sympathizes with the Palestinian cause and doesn't recognize the Jewish state. The cowardly Iranian National Olympic Committee in Tehran said, "This is a general policy of our country to refrain from competing against athletes of the Zionist regime and Arash Miresmaeili has observed this policy." Now the Iranian Jew haters are saying that Arash Miresmaeili gained weight to get kicked out of the competition. Yeah, he ate a lot of Crispy Cremes, baked in pigfat. Is his move an official boycott and an official political statement by Iran? If so, could the IOC eliminate the entire Iranian Olympic team? Let's hope so, because the Iranian rat coward bastards don't deserve to be there.

Here's evidence of the elevated morality of Ehud Vaks, the Israeli athlete: He said he was crushed when he heard he would win his first match by forfeit. "I feel horrible for [Miresmaeili], and I'm sure if it was up to him, he would have fought," said Vaks, who lost in the second round. "I know what it feels like to lose, and this is worse. The politicians didn't let him fight. That is not the way I wanted to win. It is not fair to him. He was the favorite. It's a small world, the judo world, and I admire him as a fighter."

"They tell me not to talk about politics, but sports is part of politics. He does not have the right not to acknowledge my country. Israel is a democracy, and Iran is not. I feel terrible on a personal level for him, and on a national level, too. We're all human, all have the same feelings, and I empathize with what he must be going through," Vaks said.

Ehud Vaks is a perfect representative of Israel; noble, considerate, compassionate, and moral.

August 14, 2004

Ismaili Muslims (Bohara) are pro-Israel

From Jerusalem Post, Sept. 18, 2002
Druse, Indian groups with 1,000-year roots meet in Cairo By HAIM SHAPIRO

Talk about roots: Majallie Whbee is having his first reunion in 1,000 years. Whbee, director-general of the Regional Cooperation Ministry, is leading a group of eight other Druse dignitaries and religious leaders from Israel who are meeting in Cairo with a delegation of Ismaili Muslim spiritual leaders and historians from India. Both trace their roots to the Fatimid rulers of Egypt. The meeting was organized by Whbee, together with Moshe Hananel, an Israeli tourism entrepreneur who has close connections with the Indian Ismaili community.

The latter, who are known as Boharas, live in western India, which they reached from Yemen, where they had lived following the defeat of the Fatimid dynasty. They believe a descendent of the Caliph Amir will eventually reveal himself. Both groups keep some of their beliefs secret.

The Druse trace their existence as a community from the 11th century after a follower of the Fatimid Caliph Hakim, al-Darazi, was forced to flee to the mountains of what is now northern Israel, southern Lebanon, and Syria, where he preached the principles of the faith.

This week the two groups together visited the palaces and mosques erected by the Fatimids, as well as other sites considered sacred to them both.

Speaking from Cairo, Whbee said there are some 700,000 Boharas in India and that they are favorably oriented towards Israel. The Bohara community also has about 100 families who live in Cairo and care for their shrines there, he said.

Whbee said the Israeli group went to Egypt on Sunday and is planning to return tomorrow. For the past few days, he said, the two groups have been discussing their two faiths, but added they did not stress their theological differences.

"For the first meeting in 1,000 years, we are only speaking of our joint roots, of brotherhood, and goodwill," Whbee said.

Quotes from representatives of the "religion of peace"

I want to make it clear that:
even if all the refugees had returned (which will not happen);
even if the Jews gave up their call to take al-Aqsa Mosque (which they will not do);
even if the Jews returned to 1967 borders (which they will not do);
even if they did all of that there should be never peace with the Jews.
-- al-Aqsa sermon; Friday; January 12; 2001 --

Oh Muslims;
Its time for us to realize that we will not win our battle as long there are rulers over us like Mubarak who keeps saying that "Peace is strategic option". We should overthrow such rulers and appoint in their places a leader who calls for "Jihad for the sake of Allah" and works sincerely for this goal.
- - Al-Aqsa speech; June 15; 2001

Oh Muslims;
The way out from this "dead" end to the case of Palestine is by preparing the Muslim armies to fight the Jews and to remove Israel from existence; We should all work to pull out this case from the hands of the Palestinians and return it to all Muslims.
- - Al-Aqsa Speech officially sanctioned by the Palestinian Authority; June 29; 2001

We Are Back

SmoothStone is excited to announce that we have moved to our new site at:   Look forward to seeing you th...