May 21, 2006

The meaning of "Shahada"

Shahada comes from the word similar to the Hebrew: "AID" or Witness.

Shahada means two things.

SHAHADA: —To die for Allah—one's death is "witness" that death was for Allah.

SHAHADA: To make a statement to "testify" that "Allah is God and Mohammed his prophet"

By using the same term as the "testimony" for death, the act of dying for Allah is elevated by the declaration of faith. Please watch the tape to understand more fully the use of the term, and its current application in palestinian culture. You will hear children, a TV personality and clerics use the term to describe MARTYRDOM, and you will hear songs expressing Shahada as martyrdom as well.

How many more Jews will have to die for this cult of death and rot?

Click here to view the video:

Keyword(s): Shahada; videos; Muslim treachery

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