August 14, 2005

You know it to be true

IF the Hamas and PLO are celebrating, it must be bad for the Jews.

IF Sharon hatched this demonic plan for his own gain, to avoid trial for "financial irregularities", it must be bad for the Jews.

IF a convicted criminal, Shmuel Flatto-Sharo, together with a Saudi billionaire, and with Cyril Kern (of the Sharon Greek Island affair) are planning to turn one of the communities into a casino, it must be bad for the Jews.

IF bereaved parents, whose children were killed fighting in the IDF, have to dig up their sons' bones and rebury them, it must be bad for the Jews.

IF a Jew has to show his ID upon entering or exiting his home, it must be bad for the Jews.

IF hothouses, which produced prize-winning agricultural produce for export, are to be destroyed, or, worse, handed over to our enemies, it must be bad for the Jews.

IF the army and police, our brothers and sisters, are practising how to forcibly remove Jews, it must be bad for the Jews. (If the army had been ordered to stop the mortar attacks on S'derot and Gush Katif with the same enthusiasm, or the first Intifada, or the second Intifada, we would be safer, and terrorism would be annihilated.)

IF more than 20 shuls are to be destroyed, along with hundreds of schools, cheders, Talmud Torahs and yeshivas, it must be REALLY, REALLY bad for the Jews.

It is time for every Jew to stand up and say - NEVER AGAIN!

Never again to kowtow to the enemy for some ephemeral peace.

Never again to let people, out only for their own personal gain, to harm another Jew.

Never again to listen to false prophets.

Pray today, for the welfare of your fellow Jew, to ask G-d, in His mercy, to perform a miracle which will repeal this evil decree.

We cry out to G-d -
Asse l'ma'ancha im lo l'ma'aneynu
- Save us for Your Divine Sake, if not for our own sakes.

Yeshuat Hashem k'Heref Ayin
- G-d's Salvation can come in the blink of an Eye - may it be NOW.

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